(a) Specifications. Type A medicated article containing 2.72 grams ivermectin per pound (g/lb).
(b) Sponsor. See No. 050604 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(c) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.344 of this chapter.
(d) Special considerations. See Sec. 500.25 of this chapter.
(e) Conditions of use in swine. It is used in feed as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ivermectin in g/ Combination in g/ton
(1) 1.8 (to .................... Weaned, growing-finishing Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
provide 0.1 swine: For treatment and consecutive days. Withdraw 5
milligram per control of gastrointestinal days before slaughter.
kilogram (mg/ roundworms (Ascaris suum,
kg) of body adults and fourth-stage
weight per larvae; Ascarops strongylina,
day) adults; Hyostrongylus
rubidus, adults and fourth-
stage larvae; Oesophagostomum
spp., adults and fourth-stage
larvae); kidneyworms
(Stephanurus dentatus, adults
and fourth-stage larvae);
lungworms (Metastrongylus
spp., adults); threadworms
(Strongyloides ransomi,
adults and somatic larvae);
lice (Haematopinus suis); and
mange mites (Sarcoptes
scabiei var. suis).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) 1.8 (to Bacitracin methylene Weaned, growing-finishing For use in swine feed only. 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ disalicylate, 10 to swine: As in paragraph (e)(1) Feed as the only feed for 7
kg of body 30 of this section; and for consecutive days. Withdraw 5
weight per increased rate of weight gain days before slaughter.
day) and improved feed efficiency.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) 1.8 (to Bacitracin methylene Weaned, growing-finishing For use in swine feed only. 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ disalicylate, 250 swine: As in paragraph (e)(1) Feed as the only feed for 7
kg of body of this section; and for consecutive days. Withdraw 5
weight per control of swine dysentery days before slaughter.
day) associated with Treponema
hyodysenteriae on premises
with a history of swine
dysentery, but where symptoms
have not yet occurred, or
following an approved
treatment of disease
condition.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4) 1.8 (to Lincomycin, 20 Weaned, growing-finishing Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ swine: For treatment and consecutive days. Not to be
kg of body control of gastrointestinal fed to swine that weigh more
weight per roundworms (Ascaris suum, than 250 lbs. Withdraw 5 days
day) adults and fourth-stage before slaughter. Also see
larvae; Ascarops strongylina, paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)
adults; Hyostrongylus in Sec. 558.325 of this
rubidus, adults and fourth- chapter.
stage larvae; Oesophagostomum
spp., adults and fourth-stage
larvae); kidneyworms
(Stephanurus dentatus, adults
and fourth-stage larvae);
lungworms (Metastrongylus
spp., adults); lice
(Haematopinus suis); and
mange mites (Sarcoptes
scabiei var. suis); and for
increased rate of weight
(5) 1.8 (to Lincomycin, 40 Weaned, growing-finishing Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ swine: As in paragraph (e)(4) consecutive days. Not to be
kg of body of this section; and for fed to swine that weigh more
weight per control of swine dysentery on than 250 lbs. Also see
day) premises with a history of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)
swine dysentery, but where in Sec. 558.325 of this
symptoms have not yet chapter. Withdraw 5 days
occurred. before slaughter. A separate
feed containing 40 g/ton
lincomycin may be continued
to complete the lincomycin
treatment.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(6) 1.8 (to Lincomycin, 100 Weaned, growing-finishing Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ swine: As in paragraph (e)(4) consecutive days followed by
kg of body of this section; and for a separate feed containing
weight per treatment of swine dysentery. 100 g/ton lincomycin for an
day) additional 14 days to
complete the lincomycin
treatment. Withdraw 6 days
before slaughter. Not to be
fed to swine that weigh more
than 250 lbs. Also see
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)
in Sec. 558.325 of this
chapter.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(7) 1.8 (to Lincomycin, 200 Weaned, growing-finishing Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
provide 0.1 mg/ swine: As in paragraph (e)(4) consecutive days followed by
kg of body of this section; and for a separate feed containing
weight per reduction in severity of 200 g/ton lincomycin for an
day) swine mycoplasmal pneumonia additional 14 days to
caused by Mycoplasma complete the lincomycin
hyopneumoniae. treatment. Withdraw 6 days
before slaughter. Not to be
fed to swine that weigh more
than 250 lbs. Also see
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)
in Sec. 558.325 of this
chapter.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(8) 1.8 to 11.8 .................... Adult and breeding swine: For Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
(to provide treatment and control of consecutive days. Withdraw 5
0.1 mg/kg of gastrointestinal roundworms days before slaughter.
body weight (Ascaris suum, adults and
per day) fourth-stage larvae; Ascarops
strongylina, adults;
Hyostrongylus rubidus, adults
and fourth-stage larvae;
Oesophagostomum spp., adults
and fourth-stage larvae);
kidneyworms (Stephanurus
dentatus, adults and fourth-
stage larvae); lungworms
(Metastrongylus spp.,
adults); threadworms
(Strongyloides ransomi,
adults and somatic larvae,
and prevention of
transmission of infective
larvae to piglets, via the
colostrum or milk, when fed
during gestation); lice
(Haematopinus suis); and
mange mites (Sarcoptes
scabiei var. suis).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(9) 1.8 to 11.8 Bacitracin methylene Pregnant sows: As in paragraph Feed as the only feed for 7 050604
(to provide disalicylate, 250 (e)(8) of this section; and consecutive days. Withdraw 5
0.1 mg/kg of for control of clostridial days before slaughter. Feed
body weight enteritis caused by bacitracin methylene
per day) Clostridium perfringens in disalicylate Type C medicated
suckling piglets. feed to sows from 14 days
before through 21 days after
farrowing on premises with a
history of clostridial
scours.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(10) 18.2 to .................... Adult and breeding swine: As Top dress on daily ration for 050604
120 (to in paragraph (e)(8) of this individual treatment for 7
provide 0.1 mg/ section. consecutive days. Withdraw 5
kg of body days before slaughter.
weight per
day)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [72 FR 37437, July 10, 2007]