(a) Approvals. Type A medicated articles: 30 grams per pound to 054771 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(b) Special considerations. Type C feed containing robenidine hydrochloride must be fed within 50 days from the date of manufacture. Do not use in Type B or Type C medicated feeds containing bentonite.
(c) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.580 of this chapter.
(d) Conditions of use. It is used in feed for chickens as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Robenidine hydrochloride in grams/ Combination in grams/
ton ton Indications for use Limitations Sponsor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 (0.0033 pct).................. .................... For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do
the prevention of not feed to
coccidiosis caused by layers. Withdraw 5
E. mivati, E. days prior to
brunetti, E. tenella, slaughter..
E. acervulina, E.
maxima, and E.
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
bacitracin chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do
methylene the prevention of not feed to laying
disalicylate) 4 to coccidiosis caused by chickens. Withdraw
30. E. mivati, E. 5 days prior to
brunetti, E. tenella, slaughter..
E. acervulina, E.
maxima, and E.
necatrix. For
increased rate of
weight gain..
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
bacitracin chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do
methylene the prevention of not feed to laying
disalicylate) 27 to coccidiosis caused by chickens. Withdraw
50. E. mivati, E. 5 days prior to
brunetti, E. tenella, slaughter..
E. acervulina, E.
maxima, and E.
necatrix. For improved
feed efficiency..
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
bacitracin chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do
methylene the prevention of not feed to laying
disalicylate) 50. necrotic enteritis hens. Withdraw 5
caused or complicated days before
by Clostridium spp. or slaughter..
other organisms
susceptible to
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer To control a 054771
bacitracin chickens: As an aid in necrotic enteritis
methylene the control of outbreak, start
disalicylate) 100 necrotic enteritis medication at
to 200. caused or complicated first clinical
by Clostridium spp. or signs of disease;
other organisms administer
susceptible to continuously for 5
bacitracin.. to 7 days or as
long as clinical
signs persist,
then reduce
disalicylate to
prevention level
(50 g/ton). Do not
feed to laying
hens. Withdraw 5
days before
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
bacitracin zinc) 4 chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do 054771
to 30. the prevention of not feed to laying
coccidiosis caused by chickens. Withdraw
E. mivati, E. 5 days prior to
brunetti, E. tenella, slaughter..
E. acervulina, E.
maxima, and E.
necatrix. For
increased rate of
weight gain..
Bacitracin (as For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
bacitracin zinc) 27 chickens: As an aid in as sole ration. Do 054771
to 50. the prevention of not feed to laying
coccidiosis caused by chickens. Withdraw
E. mivati, E. 5 days prior to
brunetti, E. tenella, slaughter..
E. acervulina, E.
maxima, and E.
necatrix. For improved
feed efficiency..
Chlortetracycline For broiler and fryer Feed continuously
100 to 200. chickens: As an aid in as sole ration up
the prevention of to 14 days. Do not
coccidiosis caused by feed to chickens
E. mivati, E. producing eggs for
brunetti, E. tenella, human consumption.
E. acervulina, E. Withdraw 5 days
maxima, and E. prior to
necatrix. For control slaughter..
of infectious
synovitis caused by
Mycoplasma synoviae
susceptible to
Chlortetracycline For broiler and fryer Feed continuously
200 to 400. chickens: As an aid in as sole ration up
the prevention of to 14 days. Do not
coccidiosis caused by feed to chickens
E. mivati, E. producing eggs for
brunetti, E. tenella, human consumption.
E. acervulina, E. Withdraw 5 days
maxima, and E. prior to
necatrix. For control slaughter..
of chronic respiratory
disease (CRD) and air
sac infection caused
by M. gallisepticum
and E. coli
susceptible to
Chlortetracycline For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
500. chickens: As an aid in as sole ration up
the prevention of to 5 days. Do not
coccidiosis caused by feed to chickens
E. mivati, E. producing eggs for
brunetti, E. tenella, human consumption.
E. acervulina, E. Withdraw 5 days
maxima, and E. prior to
necatrix. As an aid in slaughter..
the reduction of
mortality due to E.
coli susceptible to
Lincomycin 2........ For broiler and fryer Feed continuously 054771
chickens: As an aid in as the sole
the prevention of ration. Do not
coccidiosis caused by feed to laying
E. mivati, E. hens. Withdraw 5
brunetti, E. tenella, days before
E. acervulina, E. slaughter..
maxima, and E.
necatrix. For increase
in rate of weight gain
and improved feed
Oxytetracycline 400. For broiler chickens: Feed continuously 066104
As an aid in the for 7 to 14 days.
prevention of Do not feed to
coccidiosis caused by chickens producing
E. mivati, E. eggs for human
brunetti, E. tenella, consumption.
E. acervulina, E. Withdraw 5 days
maxima, and E. before slaughter..
necatrix. For control
of CRD and air sac
infection caused by
gallisepticum and E.
coli susceptible to
oxytetracycline..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [40 FR 13959, Mar. 27, 1975]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 558.515, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.