(a) Approvals. Type A medicated articles: 25 percent to No. 016592 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter for use as in paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Special considerations. Do not use in Type B or Type C medicated feeds containing bentonite.
(c) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.50 of this chapter.
(d) Conditions of use--(1) Cattle. It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) 113.5 to 11, 350; to provide 5 Calves: As an aid in the Top-dress on or mix in the 016592
milligrams per kilogram of body prevention of coccidiosis daily ration. Feed for 21
weight per day. caused by Eimeria bovis and days when experience
E. zuernii. indicates that coccidiosis
is likely to be a hazard, as
the sole source of
amprolium. Withdraw 24 hours
before slaughter. A
withdrawal period has not
been established for this
product in preruminating
calves. Do not use in calves
to be processed for veal.(ii) 113.5 to 11, 350; to provide 10 Calves: As an aid in the Top-dress on or mix in the 016592
milligrams per kilogram of body treatment of coccidiosis daily ration. Feed for 5
weight per day. caused by Eimeria bovis and days as the sole source of
E. zuernii. amprolium. Withdraw 24 hours
before slaughter. A
withdrawal period has not
been established for this
product in preruminating
calves. Do not use in calves
to be processed for veal.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Chickens. It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
(i) 36.3 to 113.5................. ..................... Replacement Feed continuously 016592
chickens: For until onset of
development of production as
active immunity to follows:
coccidiosis.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Up to 5 weeks of age From 5 to 8 weeks of Over 8 weeks of age
---------------------- age ---------------------
Growing conditions ----------------------
Amprolium in grams Amprolium in grams Amprolium in grams
per ton per ton per ton----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Severe exposure to coccidiosis................ 113.5 72.6-113.5 36.3-113.5
(0.0125%) (0.008%-0.0125%) (0.004%-0.0125%)Moderate exposure to coccidiosis.............. 72.6-113.5 54.5-113.5 36.3-113.5
(0.008%-0.0125%) (0.006%-0.0125%) (0.004%-0.0125%)Slight exposure to coccidiosis................ 36.3-113.5 36.3-113.5 36.3-113.5
(0.004%-0.0125%) (0.004%-0.0125%) (0.004%-0.0125%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
Amprolium in grams per ton per ton Indications for use Limitations Sponsor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii) 36.3 to 113.5................ Bacitracin methylene Replacement Feed according to 054771
disalicylate 4 to 50. chickens: For subtable in item
development of (i). Bacitracin
active immunity to methylene
coccidiosis; and disalicylate as
for increased rate provided by No.
of weight gain and 054771 in Sec.
improved feed 510.600(c) of this
efficiency. chapter.(iii) 72.6 to 113.5............... ..................... Broiler chickens: Feed continuously as 016592
For prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis caused sole source of
by Eimeria tenella amprolium.
only.(iv) 72.6 to 113.5................ Bambermycins 1 to 2.. Broiler chickens: Feed continuously as 016592
For prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis caused sole source of
by Eimeria tenella amprolium.
only; and for Bambermycins as
increased rate of provided by No.
weight gain and 016592 in Sec.
improved feed 510.600(c) of this
efficiency. chapter.(v) 113.5......................... ..................... 1. Laying chickens: Feed continuously as 016592
For prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis. the sole source of
2. Laying chickens: Feed for 2 weeks....
For treatment of
coccidiosis in
moderate outbreaks.(vi) 113.5 to 227................. ..................... 1. Replacement Feed continuously 016592
chickens: For from day-old until
prevention of onset of
coccidiosis where production; as the
immunity to sole source of
coccidiosis is not amprolium.
2. Broiler chickens: Feed continuously as
For prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis where sole source of
immunity to amprolium.
coccidiosis is not
desired.(vii) 113.5 to 227................ Bambermycins 1 to 2.. Broiler chickens: Feed continuously as 016592
For prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis where sole source of
immunity to amprolium.
coccidiosis is not Bambermycins as
desired; and for provided by No.
increased rate of 016592 in Sec.
weight gain and 510.600(c) of this
improved feed chapter.
efficiency.(viii) 227........................ ..................... Laying chickens: For Feed for 2 weeks.... 016592
treatment of
coccidiosis in
severe outbreaks..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Turkeys. It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
(i) 113.5......................... Bambermycins 1 to 4.. Growing turkeys: For Feed continuously as 016592
prevention of the sole source of
coccidiosis; and amprolium;
for increased rate bambermycins as
of weight gain and provided by No.
improved feed 016592 in Sec.
efficiency. 510.600(c) of this
(ii) 113.5 to 227................. ..................... Turkeys: For Feed continuously as 016592
prevention of the sole ration; as
coccidiosis. sole source of
(4) Pheasants. It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams
(i) 159........................... ..................... Growing pheasants: Feed continuously as 016592
For the prevention sole ration. Use as
of coccidiosis sole source of
caused by Eimeria amprolium.
colchici, E.
duodenalis, and E.
phasiani.(ii) [Reserved]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [41 FR 10985, Mar. 15, 1976]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 558.55, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.