(a) Specifications. Type A medicated articles containing 21.77 grams (g) zilpaterol hydrochloride per pound.
(b) Approvals. See No. 000061 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(c) Tolerances. See Sec. 556.765 of this chapter.
(d) Special considerations--(1) Labeling shall bear the following caution statements: ``Zilpaterol hydrochloride is not for use in animals intended for breeding. Do not allow horses or other equines access to feed containing zilpaterol. Do not use in veal calves.''
(1) Labeling shall bear the following caution statements: ``Zilpaterol hydrochloride is not for use in animals intended for breeding. Do not allow horses or other equines access to feed containing zilpaterol. Do not use in veal calves.''
(2) Labeling of Type A medicated articles and Type B medicated feeds used to manufacture complete Type C medicated feeds shall bear the caution statements in paragraph (d)(3) of this section.
(3) Labeling of complete Type C medicated feeds shall bear the following caution statements: ``Not to be fed to cattle in excess of 90 mg zilpaterol/head/day in complete feed. If pen consumption of complete feed exceeds 26.5 lb/head/day (90 percent dry matter basis), zilpaterol should not be fed in complete feed.''
(4) Type B Liquid Feeds can be manufactured containing 68 to 680 g zilpaterol hydrochloride/ton. The liquid Type B feeds must be maintained at a pH of 3.8 to 7.5. For liquid feeds stored in recirculating tank systems: Recirculate immediately prior to use for not less than 10 minutes, moving not less than 1 percent of the tank contents per minute from the bottom of the tank to the top. Recirculate daily as described even when not used. For liquid feeds stored in mechanical, air or other agitation-type tank systems: Agitate immediately prior to use for not less than 10 minutes, creating a turbulence at the bottom of the tank that is visible at the top. Agitate daily as described even when not used.
(e) Conditions of use in cattle. It is administered in feed as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combination in grams/
(1) 6.8 ....................... Cattle fed in Feed continuously as 000061
confinement for the sole ration during
slaughter: For the last 20 to 40 days
increased rate of on feed to provide 60
weight gain, improved to 90 mg/head/day.
feed efficiency, and Withdrawal period: 3
increased carcass days
leanness in cattle fed
in confinement for
slaughter during the
last 20 to 40 days on
feed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) 6.8 to provide 60 to Melengestrol acetate to Heifers fed in As in paragraph (e)(1) 000061
90 mg/head/day provide 0.25 to 0.5 mg/ confinement for of this section; see 000986
head/day slaughter: As in paragraph Sec. Sec.
paragraph (e)(1) of 558.342(d) of this
this section; and for chapter. Melengestrol
suppression of estrus acetate as provided by
(heat). Nos. 000986 or 054771
in Sec. 510.600(c)
of this chapter----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) 6.8 to provide 60 to Monensin 10 to 40 Cattle fed in As in paragraph (e)(1) 000061
90 mg/head/day confinement for of this section; see
slaughter: As in paragraph Sec.
paragraph (e)(1) of 558.355(d) of this
this section; and for chapter. Monensin as
prevention and control provided by No. 000986
of coccidiosis due to in Sec. 510.600(c)
Eimeria bovis and E. of this chapter.
zuernii.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4) 6.8 to provide 60 to Melengestrol acetate to Heifers fed in As in paragraph (e)(1) 000061
90 mg/head/day provide 0.25 to 0.5 mg/ confinement for of this section; see 000986
head/day slaughter: As in Sec. Sec.
paragraph (e)(1) of 558.342(d) and
this section; for 558.355(d) of this
prevention and control chapter. Monensin as
of coccidiosis due to provided by No.
Eimeria bovis and E. 000986; and
zuernii; and for melengestrol acetate
suppression of estrus as provided by Nos.
(heat). 000986 or 054771 in
Sec. 510.600(c) of
this chapter----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) 6.8 to provide 60 to Monensin 10 to 40, plus Cattle fed in As in paragraph (e)(1) 000061
90 mg/head/day tylosin 8 to 10 confinement for of this section; see 016592
slaughter: As in Sec. Sec.
paragraph (e)(1) of 558.355(d) and
this section; for 558.625(c) of this
prevention and control chapter. Monensin as
of coccidiosis due to provided by No.
Eimeria bovis and E. 000986; tylosin as
zuernii; and for provided by Nos.
reduction of incidence 000986 or 016592 in
of liver abscesses Sec. 510.600(c) of
caused by this chapter
necrophorum and
(Actinomyces) pyogenes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(6) 6.8 to provide 60 to Monensin 10 to 40, plus Heifers fed in As in paragraph (e)(1) 000061
90 mg/head/day. tylosin 8 to 10, plus confinement for of this section; see 000986
melengestrol acetate slaughter: As in Sec. Sec. 016592
to provide 0.25 to 0.5 paragraph (e)(1) of 558.342(d),
mg/ head/day. this section; for 558.355(d), and
prevention and control 558.625(c) of this
of coccidiosis due to chapter. Monensin as
Eimeria bovis and E. provided by No.
zuernii; for reduction 000986; tylosin as
of incidence of liver provided by Nos.
abscesses caused by 000986 or 016592; and
Fusobacterium melengestrol acetate
necrophorum and as provided by Nos.
Arcanobacterium 000986 or 054771 in
(Actinomyces) Sec. 510.600(c) of
pyogenes; and for this chapter
suppression of estrus
(heat).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(7) 6.8 to 24 ....................... Cattle fed in Feed continuously to 000061
confinement for cattle during the last
slaughter: For 20 to 40 days on feed
increased rate of to provide 60 mg
weight gain, improved zilpaterol
feed efficiency, and hydrochloride per head
increased carcass per day. Withdrawal
leanness in cattle fed period: 3 days
in confinement for
slaughter during the
last 20 to 40 days on
feed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(8) 6.8 to 24 Monensin 10 to 40, plus Cattle fed in Feed continuously to 000061
tylosin 8 to 10 confinement for cattle during the last
slaughter: For 20 to 40 days on feed
increased rate of to provide 60 mg
weight gain, improved zilpaterol
feed efficiency, and hydrochloride per head
increased carcass per day. See
leanness in cattle fed paragraphs Sec. Sec.
in confinement for 558.355(d) and
slaughter during the 558.625(c). Monensin
last 20 to 40 days on and tylosin as
feed; for prevention provided by No. 000986
and control of in Sec. 510.600(c)
coccidiosis due to of this chapter.
Eimeria bovis and E. Withdrawal period: 3
zuernii; and for days
reduction of incidence
of liver abscesses
caused by
necrophorum and
(Actinomyces) pyogenes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [71 FR 53006, Sept. 8, 2006, as amended at 72 FR 9245, Mar. 1, 2007; 72 FR 6019, Feb. 1, 2008; 73 FR 14385, Mar. 18, 2008; 73 FR 16755, Mar. 31, 2008; 73 FR 18959, Apr. 8, 2008; 73 FR 19432, Apr. 10, 2008; 74 FR 61517, Nov. 25, 2009; 75 FR 11451, Mar. 11, 2010; 77 FR 31724, May 30, 2012; 78 FR 42008, July 15, 2013; 78 FR 52852, Aug. 27, 2013; 80 FR 13232, Mar. 13, 2015]