Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 21  /  Part 558  /  Sec. 558.76 Bacitracin methylene disalicylate.

(a) Approvals. Type A medicated articles: 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 75 grams per pound to 054771 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.

(b) Special considerations. The quantities of antibiotics are expressed in terms of the equivalent amount of antibiotic standard.

(c) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.70 of this chapter.

(d) Conditions of use. (1) It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bacitracin methylene

disalicylate in grams per Combination in grams Indications for use Limitations Sponsor

(i) 4 to 50................. ....................... Chickens, turkeys, and ...................... 054771

pheasants; increased

rate of weight gain

and improved feed

efficiency \1\.(ii) 5 to 20................ ....................... Quail not over 5 weeks ...................... 054771

of age; increased

rate of weight gain

and improved feed

efficiency \1\.(iii) 10 to 25.............. ....................... Chickens; for For first 7 months of 054771

increased egg production.

production and

improved feed

efficiency for egg

production.(iv) 10 to 30............... ....................... Swine: for increased For growing and 054771

rate of weight gain finishing swine.

and improved feed


Chlortetracycline Swine; for increased Feed for not more than 054771

approximately 400, rate of weight gain 14 days; bacitracin 069254

varying with body and improved feed methylene

weight and food efficiency; for disalicylate provided

consumption to provide treatment of by No. 054771;

10 milligrams per bacterial enteritis chlortetracycline

pound of body weight caused by Escherichia provided by Nos.

per day. coli and Salmonella 054771 and 069254 in

choleraesuis and Sec. 510.600(c) of

bacterial pneumonia this chapter.

caused by Pasteurella

multocida susceptible

to chlortetracycline.

Swine; for control of Feed for not more than 054771

porcine proliferative 14 days;

enteropathies chlortetracycline and

(ileitis) caused by BMD as provided by

Lawsonia 054771 in Sec.

intracellularis 510.600(c) of this

susceptible to chapter.

chlortetracycline.(v) [Reserved](vi) 50..................... ....................... Broiler chickens; as ...................... 054771

an aid in the

prevention of

necrotic enteritis

caused or complicated

by Clostridium spp.

or other organisms

susceptible to


Replacement chickens; Feed continuously as 054771

as an aid in the sole ration.

prevention of

necrotic enteritis

caused or complicated

by Clostridium spp.

or other organisms

susceptible to

bacitracin.(vii)-(viii) [Reserved](ix) 100 to 200............. ....................... Broiler chickens; as ...................... 054771

an aid in the control

of necrotic enteritis

caused or complicated

by Clostridium spp.

or other organisms

susceptible to


Replacement chickens; Feed continuously as 054771

as an aid in the sole ration. Start at

control of necrotic first clinical signs

enteritis caused or of disease, vary

complicated by dosage based on

Clostridium spp. or severity of

other organisms infection, administer

susceptible to continuously for 5 to

bacitracin. 7 days or as long as

clinical signs

persist, then reduce

medication to

prevention level (50

g/t).(x) 200..................... ....................... Turkeys; as an aid in ...................... 054771

the control of


enteritis in growing

turkeys complicated

by organisms

susceptible to

bacitracin methylene


Quail; for the Feed continuously as 054771

prevention of the sole ration.

ulcerative enteritis

in growing quail due

to Clostridium

colinum susceptible

to bacitracin


disalicylate.(xi) 250.................... ....................... 1. Growing/Finishing As the sole ration. 054771

Swine: For control of Not for use in swine

swine dysentery weighing more than

associated with 250 pounds. Diagnosis

Treponema should be confirmed

hyodysenteriae on by a veterinarian

premises with a when results are not

history of swine satisfactory.

dysentery but where

signs of the disease

have not yet

occurred; or

following an approved

treatment of the

disease condition.

2. Pregnant sows: For As the sole ration. .........

control of Feed to sows from 14

clostridial enteritis days before through

caused by C. 21 days after

perfringens in farrowing on premises

suckling piglets. with a history of

clostridial scours.

Diagnosis should be

confirmed by a

veterinarian when

results are not

satisfactory.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ These conditions are NAS/NRC reviewed and found effective. Applications for these uses may not require

effectiveness data as specified by Sec. 514.111 of this chapter, but may require bioequivalency and safety


(2) It is used as bacitracin methylene disalicylate in feed for animals as follows:

(i) Amount. 70 milligrams per head per day.

(a) Indications for use. Feedlot beef cattle; reduction in the number of liver condemnations due to abscesses.

(b) Limitations. Administer continuously throughout the feeding period.

(ii) Amount. 250 milligrams per head per day.

(a) Indications for use. Feedlot beef cattle; reduction in the number of liver condemnations due to abscesses.

(b) Limitations. Administer continuously for 5 days then discontinue for subsequent 25 days, repeat the pattern during the feeding period.

(3) Bacitracin methylene disalicylate may also be used in combination with:

(i) Amprolium as in Sec. 558.55.

(ii) Amprolium and ethopabate as in Sec. 558.58.

(iii) Decoquinate as in Sec. 558.195.

(iv) Diclazuril as in Sec. 558.198.

(v) Fenbendazole as in Sec. 588.258.

(vi) Halofuginone as in Sec. 558.265.

(vii) [Reserved]

(viii) Ivermectin as in Sec. 558.300.

(ix) Lasalocid sodium as in Sec. 558.311.

(x) Monensin as in Sec. 588.355.

(xi) Narasin as in Sec. 558.363.

(xii) Nicarbazin alone and with narasin as in Sec. 558.366.

(xiii) Nitarsone as in Sec. 558.369.

(xiv) Robenidine as in Sec. 558.515.

(xv) Salinomycin as in Sec. 558.550.

(xvi) Semduramicin as in Sec. 558.555.

(xvii) Zoalene as in Sec. 558.680. [41 FR 10993, Mar. 15, 1976]

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 558.76, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at