(a) Specifications. Type A medicated articles containing bacitracin zinc equivalent to 10, 25, 40, or 50 grams per pound bacitracin.
(b) Approvals. See No. 054771 in Sec. 510.600(c) of this chapter.
(c) Related tolerances. See Sec. 556.70 of this chapter.
(d) Conditions of use. (1) It is used as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bacitracin zinc in grams per Combinations in grams
(i) 4 to 50................. ....................... Chickens: for Growing chickens...... 054771
increased rate of
weight gain and
improved feed
efficiency.(ii) 4 to 50................ ....................... Turkeys and pheasants: Growing turkeys and 054771
for increased rate of pheasants.
weight gain and
improved feed
efficiency.(iii) 5 to 20............... ....................... Quail; for increased Growing quail; feed as 054771
rate of weight gain the Type C feed to
and improved feed starting quail
efficiency. through 5 weeks of
age.(iv) 10 to 25............... ....................... Laying chickens; ...................... 054771
improved feed
efficiency and
increased egg
production.(v) 10 to 50................ ....................... Swine; increased rate Growing and finishing 054771
of weight gain and swine.
improved feed
efficiency.(vi) 20..................... ....................... Growing-finishing In Type C feed........ 054771
swine; increased rate
of weight gain.(vii) 20 to 40.............. ....................... Growing-finishing ......do.............. 054771
swine; improved feed
(2) It is used in feed for growing cattle at 35 to 70 milligrams per head per day as follows:
(i) To aid in stimulating growth and improving feed efficiency.
(ii) For increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency; see sponsor 054771.
(3) Bacitracin zinc may also be used in combination with:
(i) Amprolium and ethopabate as in Sec. 558.58.
(ii) Clopidol as in Sec. 558.175.
(iii) Decoquinate as in Sec. 558.195.
(iv) Lasalocid as in Sec. 558.311.
(v) Monensin as in Sec. 558.355.
(vi) Naracin as in Sec. 558.363.
(vii) Nitarsone as in Sec. 558.369.
(viii) Robenidine as in Sec. 558.515.
(ix) Salinomycin as in Sec. 558.550. [41 FR 10994, Mar. 15, 1976]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 558.78, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.