(a) Pooling. Two units of Source Plasma from the same donor may be pooled if such units are collected during one plasmapheresis procedure: Provided, That the pooling is done by a procedure that does not introduce a risk of contamination of the red blood cells and, for plasma intended for injectable products, gives maximum assurance of a sterile container of plasma.
(1) The pooling of plasma from two or more donors is not permitted in the manufacture of Source Plasma intended for manufacturing into injectable products.
(2) The pooling of plasma from two or more donors by the manufacturer of Source Plasma intended for manufacturing into noninjectable products is permitted: Provided, That the plasma from two or more donors is pooled after the plasma has been removed from the red blood cells, and after the red blood cell containers are sealed.
(b) Storage. Immediately after filling, plasma intended for manufacturing into injectable products shall be stored at a temperature not warmer than -20 [deg]C, except for plasma collected as provided in Sec. 640.74. Plasma intended for manufacturing into noninjectable products may be stored at temperatures appropriate for the intended use of the final product, provided these temperatures are included in the Source Plasma license application.
(c) Inspection. Source Plasma intended for manufacturing into injectable products shall be inspected for evidence of thawing at the time of issuance, except that inspection of individual plasma containers need not be made if the records of continuous monitoring of the storage temperature establish that the temperature remained at -20 [deg]C or colder. If there is evidence that the storage temperature has not been maintained at -20 [deg]C or colder, the plasma may be relabeled and issued as provided in Sec. 640.76(a).
(d) Samples. If samples are provided, they shall meet the following standards:
(1) Prior to filling, all samples shall be marked or identified so as to relate them directly to the donor of that unit of plasma.
(2) All samples shall be filled at the time the final product is prepared by the person who prepares the final product.
(3) All samples shall be representative of the contents of the final product or be collected from the donor at the time of filling the collection container.
(4) All samples shall be collected in a manner that does not contaminate the contents of the final container. [38 FR 32089, Nov. 20, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 10769, Mar. 12, 1976; 41 FR 14367, Apr. 5, 1976; 50 FR 4140, Jan. 29, 1985; 63 FR 16685, Apr. 6, 1998; 64 FR 45374, Aug. 19, 1999]