(a) Processing. The processing method shall be one that has been shown to consistently yield a specific and potent final product free of properties which would adversely affect the test results when the product is tested by the methods recommended by the manufacturer in the package enclosure.
(b) Ancillary reagents and materials. All ancillary reagents and materials supplied in the package with the product shall meet generally accepted standards of purity and quality and shall be effectively segregated and otherwise manufactured in a manner (such as heating at 60 [deg]C. for 10 hours) that will reduce the risk of contaminating the product and other biological products. Ancillary reagents and materials accompanying the product which are used in the performance of the test as described by the manufacturer's recommended test procedures shall have been shown not to adversely affect the product within the prescribed dating period.
(c) Labeling. In addition to the items required by other applicable labeling provisions of this subchapter, the following shall also be included:
(1) Indication of the source of the product immediately following the proper name on both the final container and package label, e.g., human, guinea pig.
(2) Name of the test method(s) recommended for the product on the package label and on the final container label when capable of bearing a full label (see Sec. 610.60(a) of this chapter).
(3) A warning on the package label and on the final container label if capable of bearing a full label (see Sec. 610.60(a) of this chapter) indicating that the product and antigen if supplied, shall be handled as if capable of transmitting hepatitis.
(4) If the product is dried, the final container label shall indicate ``Reconstitution date: ------------'' and a statement indicating the period within which the product may be used after reconstitution.
(5) The package shall include a package enclosure providing (i) adequate instructions for use, (ii) a description of all recommended test methods, and (iii) warnings as to possible hazards, including hepatitis, in handling the product and any ancillary reagents and materials accompanying the product.
(d) Final container. A final container shall be sufficiently transparent to permit visual inspection of the contents for presence of particulate matter and increased turbidity. The effectiveness of the contents of a final container shall be maintained throughout its dating period.
(e) Date of manufacture. The date of manufacture of Antibody to Hepatitis B surface Antigen that has been iodinated with radioactive iodine (\125\I) shall be the day of labeling the antibody with the radionuclide.
(f) Retention samples. Each manufacturer shall retain representative samples of the product in accordance with Sec. 600.13 of this chapter except for that which has been iodinated with radioactive iodine. Retention samples of Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen iodinated with \125\I shall consist of a minimum of two complete finished packages of each lot of the diagnostic test kit and shall be retained for a period of at least 90 days from the date of manufacture. [38 FR 32098, Nov. 20, 1973, as amended at 40 FR 29711, July 15, 1975; 46 FR 36134, July 14, 1981; 49 FR 1684, Jan. 13, 1984]