(a) A request for any information or records shall be addressed to the FOIA Officer, United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, 4171 North Mesa, suite C-310, El Paso, TX 79902-1422. The envelope and the letter shall be clearly marked ``Freedom of Information Request'' or ``Request for Records,'' or the equivalent, to distinguish it from other mail to the Section. If the request is not so marked and addressed, the 10-day time limit described in the Act will not begin to run until the request has been received by the FOIA Officer in the normal course of business. In each instance where a request is received in the normal course of business, the FOIA Officer shall notify the requester that its request was improperly addressed and the date the request was received.
(b) In order for the Section to locate records or information and make them available, it is necessary that it be able to identify the specific record or information sought. Persons wishing to inspect or obtain copies of records or information should, therefore, seek to identify them as fully and accurately as possible. In cases where requests are submitted which are not sufficient to permit identification, the FOIA Officer will endeavor to assist the persons seeking the records or information in filling in necessary details. In most cases, however, persons seeking records or information will find that time taken in trying to identify materials in the beginning is well worth their while in enabling the Section to respond promptly to their request.
(c) A person submitting a request should--
(1) Indicate the specific event or action, if any or if known, to which the request has reference.
(2) Designate the Division, Branch, or Project Office of the Section which may be responsible for or may have produced the record or information requested.
(3) Furnish the date of the record or information or the date or period to which it refers or relates, if known.
(4) Name the character of record or information, such as a contract, an application, or a report.
(5) List the Section's personnel who may have prepared or have knowledge of the record or information.
(6) Furnish the reference material such as newspapers or publications which are known to have made a reference to the record or information desired.
(7) If the request relates to a matter in pending litigation or one which has been litigated, supply the Court location and case style and number.
(8) Describe, when the request includes more than one record or source of information, specifically each record or information so that availability may be separately determined.
(9) Clearly indicate whether the request is an initial request or an appeal from a denial of a record or information previously requested.
(10) Identify, when the request concerns a matter about the Section's personnel, the person as follows: First name, middle name or initial, and surname; date and place of birth; and social security account number, if known.
(d) No particular format is needed for the request, except that it:
(1) Must be in writing;
(2) Must describe the records or information sought with sufficient detail to permit identification;
(3) Should state a limitation of the fees the requester is willing to pay, if any; and
(4) Must include the name, address, and telephone number (optional) of the person submitting the request.