(a) When charged. Fees shall be charged in accordance with the schedules contained in paragraph (b) of this section for services rendered in responding to requests for Foundation records under this sub-part unless the Director of A&F; determines that such charges, or a portion thereof, are not in the public interest because furnishing the information primarily benefits the general public. Fees shall also not be charged where they would amount, in the aggregate, for a request or series of related requests, to less than $3. Ordinarily, fees shall not be charged if the records requested are not found, or if located, are withheld as exempt.
(b) Services charged for and amount charged. For the services listed below expended in locating or making available records or copies thereof, the following charges shall be assessed:
(1) Copies. For copies $.10 per copy of each page.
(2) Clerical searches. For each one quarter hour spent by clerical personnel in excess of the first quarter hour in searching for and producing requested records, $2.30.
(3) Non-routine, non-clerical searches. Where the task of determining which records fall within a request and collecting them requires the time of professional or managerial personnel, and where the time required is substantial, for each one quarter hour spent in excess of the first quarter hour, $5.40. No charge shall be made for the time spent in resolving legal or policy issues affecting access to records of known contents.
(4) Other charges. When a response to a request requires services or materials other than those described in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this section, the direct cost of such services to the Foundation may be charged, providing the requestor has been given an estimate of such cost before it is incurred.
(c) Revision of schedule. The fee schedule will be revised from time to time, without notice, to assure recovery of actual costs of rendering information services to any person. The revised schedule will be available without charge.