When used in this subchapter, unless otherwise specified, the terms--
(a) Secretary of State includes any person to whom the Secretary of State has delegated the responsibilities of carrying out this subpart.
(b) Family member means a dependent of a captive and any individual other than a dependent who is a member of such person's family or household and shall include the following: (1) A spouse, (2) an unmarried dependent child including a step-child or adopted child under 21 years of age, (3) a person designated in official records or determined by the agency head or designee thereof to be dependent, and (4) other persons such as parents, non-dependent children, parents-in-law, persons who stand in the place of a spouse or parents, or other members of the family or household of a captive or employee, as determined by the Agency head concerned.
(c) Agency head means the head of an Executive Agency of the U.S. Federal Government employing an individual affected by hostile action as covered by these regulations. The Secretary of State is the agency head for actions abroad with respect to any such individual not employed by an agency.
(d) Captive means any individual in a captive status commencing while such individual is in the Civil Service or a citizen, national or resident alien of the United States rendering personal service to the United States similar to the service of an individual in the Civil Service (other than as a member of the uniformed services).
(e) Captive status means a missing status which, as determined under Sec. 192.1, arises because of a hostile action and is a result of the individual's relationship with the Government.
(f) Principal means the person whose captivity, death or disability forms the basis for benefits for that individual or for a family member under this subchapter.
(g) Individual rendering personal services to the United States similar to the service of an individual in the Civil Service includes contract employees and other individuals fitting that description.
(h) Pay and allowances has the meaning set forth in 5 U.S.C. 5561(6):
(1) Basic pay;
(2) Special pay;
(3) Incentive pay;
(4) Basic allowances for quarters;
(5) Basic allowance for subsistence; and
(6) Station per diem allowances for not more than 90 days.
(i) Child means a dependent as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.