(a) Requests for records, other than records available at the Public Reading Room identified in Sec. 212.24(a), may be made by a member of the public in writing only to the Chief, Customer Outreach and Oversight Staff, Room 1113, SA-16, Agency for International Development, Department of State, 320 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20523-1608. The request and the envelope must be plainly marked ``FOIA Request.'' Requests may be made orally, that is, in person, only for records and materials available at the Public Reading Room.
(b) Requests for records may be made directly to a USAID mission or office abroad only by a citizen of the United States who is present in that country and must be by written application to the USAID Director (or other principal USAID officer), care of the American Embassy in that country. Any such written request and its envelope must be plainly marked ``FOIA Request.''
(c) Only signed original (as opposed to electronically transmitted) requests are acceptable for procedures pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. Telephoned requests, or in-person requests other than to the Public Reading Room, cannot be accepted. If a written request not properly marked ``FOIA Request'' on both the letter and envelope is thereby delayed in reaching the Chief, Office of Customer Outreach and Oversight Staff, such request will not be deemed received by USAID until actually received by that official. In the event of such a delay, the person making the request will be furnished a notice of the effective date of receipt.