(a) If it is determined that the Agency cannot comply with all or part of a request for records, the person making the request shall be immediately notified of the determination, the reasons for the determination, the name and title of each officer responsible for the denial, and the right of the person to appeal the adverse determination.
(b) The denial of a request for records may be made, initially, only by the Chief, Customer Outreach and Oversight Staff, or his/her designee.
(c)(1) Any person who has been denied access to records pursuant to this section may appeal the relevant decision not later than thirty days after the date of the notification of denial or, in the case of a partial denial, not later than thirty days after the date the releasable documents are actually furnished to the person making the request, whichever is later. The appeal shall be in writing addressed to the Agency's FOIA Appeals Officer, who is: The Director, Office of Administrative Services, Bureau for Management, Room 803, SA-2, Agency for International Development, 21st and Virginia Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20523-0217.
(1) Any person who has been denied access to records pursuant to this section may appeal the relevant decision not later than thirty days after the date of the notification of denial or, in the case of a partial denial, not later than thirty days after the date the releasable documents are actually furnished to the person making the request, whichever is later. The appeal shall be in writing addressed to the Agency's FOIA Appeals Officer, who is: The Director, Office of Administrative Services, Bureau for Management, Room 803, SA-2, Agency for International Development, 21st and Virginia Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20523-0217.
(2) In order for the Agency to make a timely response to the appeal, both the text of the appeal and its envelope must be plainly marked ``FOIA Appeal''. The appeal must contain a reasonable description of the record sought and withheld, a copy of the initial decision to deny access and any other information that will enable the Appeals Officer to make the final decision.