Upon final determination of the existence and amount of a debt, unless other acceptable payment arrangement have been made or procedures under a specific statute apply, Peace Corps shall collect the debt by one or more of the methods described in Sec. 309.9(b) (6) (i-vii) or as otherwise authorized by law and regulation.
(a) Administrative offset--(1) Payments otherwise due the debtor from the United States shall be offset from the debt in accordance with 31 CFR 901.3. These may be funds under the control of Peace Corps or other Federal agencies. Collection may be through centralized offset by the Financial Management Service (FMS) of the Department of the Treasury.
(1) Payments otherwise due the debtor from the United States shall be offset from the debt in accordance with 31 CFR 901.3. These may be funds under the control of Peace Corps or other Federal agencies. Collection may be through centralized offset by the Financial Management Service (FMS) of the Department of the Treasury.
(2) Such payments include but are not limited to vendor payments, salary, retirement, lump sum payments due upon Federal employment separation, travel reimbursements, tax refunds, loans or other assistance. Offset of Federal salary payments will be in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5514.
(3) Before administrative offset is instituted by another Federal agency or the FMS, Peace Corps shall certify in writing to that entity that the debt is past due and legally enforceable and that Peace Corps has complied with all applicable due process and other requirements as described in this part and other Federal law and regulations.
(b) Any other method authorized by law or regulation.