(a) Company owned equipment. Cost of company-owned equipment may be reimbursed for the average or actual cost of operation, light and running repairs, and depreciation, or at industry rates representative of actual costs as agreed to by the railroad, SHA, and FHWA. Reimbursement for company-owned vehicles may be made at average or actual costs or at rates of recorded use per mile which are representative of actual costs and agreed to by the company, SHA, and FHWA.
(b) Other equipment. Where company owned equipment is not available, reimbursement will be limited to the amount of rental paid (1) to the lowest qualified bidder, (2) under existing continuing contracts at reasonable cost, or (3) as an exception, by negotiation where (b) (1) and (2) are impractical due to project location or schedule. [40 FR 16057, Apr. 9, 1975, as amended at 47 FR 33955, Aug. 5, 1982]