As used in this part:
(a) Convicted includes adjudicated under juvenile proceedings.
(b) Driver's license means a license issued by a State to any individual that authorizes the individual to operate a motor vehicle on highways.
(c) Drug offense means:
(1) The possession, distribution, manufacture, cultivation, sale, transfer, or the attempt or conspiracy to possess, distribute, manufacture, cultivate, sell, or transfer any substance the possession of which is prohibited under the Controlled Substances Act, or
(2) The operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of such a substance.
(d) Substance the possession of which is prohibited under the Controlled Substances Act or substance means a controlled or counterfeit chemical, as those terms are defined in subsections 102 (6) and (7) of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 802 (6) and (7) and listed in 21 CFR 1308.11-.15. [57 FR 35999, Aug. 12, 1992; 58 FR 62415, Nov. 26, 1993; 59 FR 39256, Aug. 2, 1994]