(a) State assurances in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(1) Title 49, CFR part 21 (Department of Transportation Regulations for the implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) requires assurances from States that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the recipient receives Federal assistance from the Department of Transportation, including the Federal Highway Administration.
(2) Section 162a of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 (section 324, title 23 U.S.C.) requires that there be no discrimination on the ground of sex. The FHWA considers all assurances heretofore received to have been amended to include a prohibition against discrimination on the ground of sex. These assurances were signed by the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. The State highway agency shall submit a certification to the FHWA indicating that the requirements of section 162a of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 have been added to its assurances.
(3) The State highway agency shall take affirmative action to correct any deficiencies found by the FHWA within a reasonable time period, not to exceed 90 days, in order to implement Title VI compliance in accordance with State-signed assurances and required guidelines. The head of the State highway agency shall be held responsible for implementing Title VI requirements.
(4) The State program area officials and Title VI Specialist shall conduct annual reviews of all pertinent program areas to determine the effectiveness of program area activities at all levels.
(b) State actions. (1) Establish a civil rights unit and designate a coordinator who has a responsible position in the organization and easy access to the head of the State highway agency. This unit shall contain a Title VI Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator or a Title VI Specialist, who shall be responsible for initiating and monitoring Title VI activities and preparing required reports.
(1) Establish a civil rights unit and designate a coordinator who has a responsible position in the organization and easy access to the head of the State highway agency. This unit shall contain a Title VI Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator or a Title VI Specialist, who shall be responsible for initiating and monitoring Title VI activities and preparing required reports.
(2) Adequately staff the civil rights unit to effectively implement the State civil rights requirements.
(3) Develop procedures for prompt processing and disposition of Title VI and Title VIII complaints received directly by the State and not by FHWA. Complaints shall be investigated by State civil rights personnel trained in compliance investigations. Identify each complainant by race, color, sex, or national origin; the recipient; the nature of the complaint; the dates the complaint was filed and the investigation completed; the disposition; the date of the disposition; and other pertinent information. Each recipient (State) processing Title VI complaints shall be required to maintain a similar log. A copy of the complaint, together with a copy of the State's report of investigation, shall be forwarded to the FHWA division office within 60 days of the date the complaint was received by the State.
(4) Develop procedures for the collection of statistical data (race, color, religion, sex, and national origin) of participants in, and beneficiaries of State highway programs, i.e., relocatees, impacted citizens and affected communities.
(5) Develop a program to conduct Title VI reviews of program areas.
(6) Conduct annual reviews of special emphasis program areas to determine the effectiveness or program area activities at all levels.
(7) Conduct Title VI reviews of cities, counties, consultant contractors, suppliers, universities, colleges, planning agencies, and other recipients of Federal-aid highway funds.
(8) Review State program directives in coordination with State program officials and, where applicable, include Title VI and related requirements.
(9) The State highway agency Title VI designee shall be responsible for conducting training programs on Title VI and related statutes for State program and civil rights officials.
(10) Prepare a yearly report of Title VI accomplishments for the past year and goals for the next year.
(11) Beginning October 1, 1976, each State highway agency shall annually submit an updated Title VI implementing plan to the Regional Federal Highway Administrator for approval or disapproval.
(12) Develop Title VI information for dissemination to the general public and, where appropriate, in languages other than English.
(13) Establishing procedures for pregrant and postgrant approval reviews of State programs and applicants for compliance with Title VI requirements; i.e., highway location, design and relocation, and persons seeking contracts with the State.
(14) Establish procedures to identify and eliminate discrimination when found to exist.
(15) Establishing procedures for promptly resolving deficiency status and reducing to writing the remedial action agreed to be necessary, all within a period not to exceed 90 days.