(a) The procedures and requirements a STD proposes to use for qualifying and licensing contractors, who may bid for, be awarded, or perform Federal-aid highway contracts, shall be submitted to the Division Administrator for advance approval. Only those procedures and requirements so approved shall be effective with respect to Federal-aid highway projects. Any changes in approved procedures and requirements shall likewise be subject to approval by the Division Administrator.
(b) No procedure or requirement for bonding, insurance, prequalification, qualification, or licensing of contractors shall be approved which, in the judgment of the Division Administrator, may operate to restrict competition, to prevent submission of a bid by, or to prohibit the consideration of a bid submitted by, any responsible contractor, whether resident or nonresident of the State wherein the work is to be performed.
(c) No contractor shall be required by law, regulation, or practice to obtain a license before submission of a bid or before the bid may be considered for award of a contract. This, however, is not intended to preclude requirements for the licensing of a contractor upon or subsequent to the award of the contract if such requirements are consistent with competitive bidding. Prequalification of contractors may be required as a condition for submission of a bid or award of contract only if the period between the date of issuing a call for bids and the date of opening of bids affords sufficient time to enable a bidder to obtain the required prequalification rating.
(d) Requirements for the prequalification, qualification or licensing of contractors, that operate to govern the amount of work that may be bid upon by, or may be awarded to, a contractor, shall be approved only if based upon a full and appropriate evaluation of the contractor's capability to perform the work.
(e) Contractors who are currently suspended, debarred or voluntarily excluded under 49 CFR part 29 or otherwise determined to be ineligible, shall be prohibited from participating in the Federal-aid highway program.
(f) In the case of a design-build project, the STDs may use their own bonding, insurance, licensing, qualification or prequalification procedure for any phase of design-build procurement.
(1) The STDs may not impose statutory or administrative requirements which provide an in-State or local geographical preference in the solicitation, licensing, qualification, pre-qualification, short listing or selection process. The geographic location of a firm's office may not be one of the selection criteria. However, the STDs may require the successful design-builder to establish a local office after the award of contract.
(2) If required by State statute, local statute, or administrative policy, the STDs may require prequalification for construction contractors. The STDs may require offerors to demonstrate the ability of their engineering staff to become licensed in that State as a condition of responsiveness; however, licensing procedures may not serve as a barrier for the consideration of otherwise responsive proposals. The STDs may require compliance with appropriate State or local licensing practices as a condition of contract award. [56 FR 37004, Aug. 2, 1991, as amended at 67 FR 75925, Dec. 10, 2002]