Certain types of information exchange may be desirable at different points after the release of the RFP document. The following table summarizes the types of communications that will be discussed in this subpart. These communication methods are optional. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Clarifications................... After receipt of Used when award without Any offeror whose
proposals. discussions is proposal is not clear
contemplated. Used to to the contracting
clarify certain agency.
aspects of a proposal
(resolve minor errors,
clerical errors,
obtain additional past
information, etc.).(b) Communications................... After receipt of Used to address issues Only those offerors
proposals, prior to which might prevent a whose exclusion from,
the establishment of proposal from being or inclusion in, the
the competitive range. placed in the competitive range is
competitive range. uncertain. All
offerors whose past
information is the
determining factor
preventing them from
being placed in the
competitive range.(c) Discussions (see Subpart E of After receipt of Enhance contracting Must be held with all
this part). proposals and after agency understanding offerors in the
the determination of of proposals and competitive range.
the competitive range. offerors understanding
of scope of work.
Facilitate the
evaluation process.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------