(a) Agencies participate in the bridge program by conducting bridge inspections and submitting Structure Inventory and Appraisal (SI&A;) sheet inspection data. Federal and local governments supply SI&A; sheet data to the State agency for review and processing. The State is responsible for submitting the six computer card format or tapes containing all public road SI&A; sheet bridge information through the Division Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for processing. These requirements are prescribed in 23 CFR 650.309 and 650.311, the National Bridge Inspection Standards.
(b) Inventory data may be submitted as available and shall be submitted at such additional times as the FHWA may request.
(c) Inventory data on bridges that have been strengthened or repaired to eliminate deficiencies, or those that have been replaced or rehabilitated using bridge replacement and/or other funds, must be revised in the inventory through data submission.
(d) The Secretary may, at the request of a State, inventory bridges, on and off the Federal-aid system, for historic significance. [44 FR 15665, Mar. 15, 1979, as amended at 44 FR 72112, Dec. 13, 1979]