(a) General conditions. The following conditions are a prerequisite to Federal participation in the costs of acquiring real property except as provided in Sec. 710.501 for early acquisition:
(1) The project for which the real property is acquired is included in an approved Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP);
(2) The State has executed a project agreement;
(3) Preliminary acquisition activities, including a title search and preliminary property map preparation necessary for the completion of the environmental process, can be advanced under preliminary engineering prior to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) clearance, while other work involving contact with affected property owners must normally be deferred until after NEPA approval, except as provided in 23 CFR 710.503 for protective buying and hardship acquisition; and in 23 CFR 710.501, early acquisition. Appraisal completion may be authorized as preliminary right-of-way activity prior to completion of the environmental document; and
(4) Costs have been incurred in conformance with State and Federal law requirements.
(b) Direct eligible costs. Federal participation in real property costs is limited to the costs of property incorporated into the final project and the associated direct costs of acquisition, unless provided otherwise. Participation is provided for:
(1) Real property acquisition. Usual costs and disbursements associated with real property acquisition required under the laws of the State, including the following:
(i) The cost of contracting for private acquisition services or the cost associated with the use of local public agencies.
(ii) The cost of acquisition activities, such as, appraisal, appraisal review, cost estimates, relocation planning, right-of-way plan preparation, title work, and similar necessary right-of-way related work.
(iii) The cost to acquire real property, including incidental expenses.
(iv) The cost of administrative settlements in accordance with 49 CFR 24.102(i), legal settlements, court awards, and costs incidental to the condemnation process.
(v) The cost of minimum payments and appraisal waiver amounts included in the State approved manual.
(2) Relocation assistance and payments. Usual costs and disbursements associated with the following:
(i) Relocation assistance and payments required under 49 CFR part 24, and
(ii) Relocation assistance and payments provided under the laws of the State that may exceed the requirements of 49 CFR part 24, except for relocation assistance and payments provided to aliens not lawfully present in the United States.
(3) Damages. The cost of severance and/or consequential damages to remaining real property resulting from a partial acquisition, actual or constructive, of real property for a project based on elements compensable under applicable State law.
(4) Property management. The net cost of managing real property prior to and during construction to provide for maintenance, protection, and the clearance and disposal of improvements until final project acceptance.
(5) Payroll-related expenses and technical guidance. Salary and related expenses of employees of an acquiring agency are eligible costs in accordance with OMB Circular A-87 (available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars). This includes State costs incurred for managing or providing technical guidance, consultation or oversight on projects where right-of-way services are performed by a political subdivision or others.
(6) Property not incorporated into a project funded under title 23 of the United States Code. The cost of property not incorporated into a project may be eligible for reimbursement in the following circumstances:
(i) General. Costs for construction material sites, property acquisitions to a logical boundary, or for eligible transportation enhancement, sites for disposal of hazardous materials, environmental mitigation, environmental banking activities, or last resort housing.
(ii) Easements not incorporated into the right-of-way. The cost of acquiring easements outside the right-of-way for permanent or temporary use.
(7) Uneconomic remnants. The cost of uneconomic remnants purchased in connection with the acquisition of a partial taking for the project as required by the Uniform Act.
(8) Access rights. Payment for full or partial control of access on an existing highway (i.e., one not on a new location), based on elements compensable under applicable State law. Participation does not depend on another real property interest being acquired or on further construction of the highway facility.
(9) Utility and railroad property. (i) The cost to replace operating real property owned by a displaced utility or railroad and conveyed to an STD for a highway project, as provided in 23 CFR part 140, subpart I, Reimbursement for Railroad Work, and 23 CFR part 645, Subpart A, Utility Relocations, Adjustments and Reimbursement, and 23 CFR part 646, Subpart B, Railroad-Highway Projects.
(i) The cost to replace operating real property owned by a displaced utility or railroad and conveyed to an STD for a highway project, as provided in 23 CFR part 140, subpart I, Reimbursement for Railroad Work, and 23 CFR part 645, Subpart A, Utility Relocations, Adjustments and Reimbursement, and 23 CFR part 646, Subpart B, Railroad-Highway Projects.
(ii) Participation in the cost of acquiring non-operating utility or railroad real property shall be in the same manner as that used in the acquisition of other privately owned property.
(c) Withholding payment. The FHWA may withhold payment under the conditions in 23 CFR 1.36 where the State fails to comply with Federal law or regulation, State law, or under circumstances of waste, fraud, and abuse.
(d) Indirect costs. Indirect costs may be claimed under the provisions of OMB Circular A-87. Indirect costs may be included on Federal-aid billings after the indirect cost rate has been approved by FHWA. [64 FR 71290, Dec. 21, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 12863, Mar. 20, 2002]