(a) The STD must assure that all real property within the boundaries of a federally-aided facility is devoted exclusively to the purposes of that facility and is preserved free of all other public or private alternative uses, unless such alternative uses are permitted by Federal regulation or the FHWA. An alternative use must be consistent with the continued operation, maintenance, and safety of the facility, and such use shall not result in the exposure of the facility's users or others to hazards.
(b) The STD shall specify procedures in the State manual for determining when a real property interest is no longer needed. These procedures must provide for coordination among relevant STD organizational units, including maintenance, safety, design, planning, right-of-way, environment, access management, and traffic operations.
(c) The STD shall evaluate the environmental effects of disposal and leasing actions requiring FHWA approval as provided in 23 CFR part 771.
(d) Acquiring agencies shall charge current fair market value or rent for the use or disposal of real property interests, including access control, if those real property interests were obtained with title 23 of the United States Code funding, except as provided in paragraphs (d) (1) through (5) of this section. Since property no longer needed for a project was acquired with public funding, the principle guiding disposal would normally be to sell the property at fair market value and use the funds for transportation purposes. The term fair market value as used for acquisition and disposal purposes is as defined by State statute and/or State court decisions. Exceptions to the general requirement for charging fair market value may be approved in the following situations:
(1) With FHWA approval, when the STD clearly shows that an exception is in the overall public interest for social, environmental, or economic purposes; nonproprietary governmental use; or uses under 23 U.S.C. 142(f), Public Transportation. The STD manual may include criteria for evaluating disposals at less than fair market value. Disposal for public purposes may also be at fair market value. The STD shall submit requests for such exceptions to the FHWA in writing.
(2) Use by public utilities in accordance with 23 CFR part 645.
(3) Use by Railroads in accordance with 23 CFR part 646.
(4) Use for Bikeways and pedestrian walkways in accordance with 23 CFR part 652.
(5) Use for transportation projects eligible for assistance under title 23 of the United States Code, provided that a concession agreement, as defined in section 710.703, shall not constitute a transportation project.
(e) The Federal share of net income from the sale or lease of excess real property shall be used by the STD for activities eligible for funding under title 23 of the United States Code. Where project income derived from the sale or lease of excess property is used for subsequent title 23 projects, use of the income does not create a Federal-aid project.
(f) No FHWA approval is required for disposal of property which is located outside of the limits of the right-of-way if Federal funds did not participate in the acquisition cost of the property.
(g) Highway facilities in which Federal funds participated in either the right-of-way or construction may be relinquished to another governmental agency for continued highway use under the provisions of 23 CFR 620, subpart B. [64 FR 71290, Dec. 21, 1999, as amended at 73 FR 77503, Dec. 19, 2008]