(a) The provisions of this subpart apply to any project undertaken with funds for the National Highway System. When the FHWA determines that a strong Federal transportation interest exists, these provisions may also be applied to highway projects that are eligible for Federal-aid under Chapters 1 and 2 of title 23, of the United States Code, and to highway-related transfers that are requested by a State in conjunction with a military base closure under the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-510, 104 Stat. 1808, as amended).
(b) Sections 107(d) and 317 of title 23, of the United States Code provide for the transfer of lands or interests in lands owned by the United States to an STD or its nominee for highway purposes.
(c) The STD may file an application with the FHWA, or can make application directly to the land-owning agency if the land-owning agency has its own authority for granting interests in land.
(d) Applications under this section shall include the following information:
(1) The purpose for which the lands are to be used;
(2) The estate or interest in the land required for the project;
(3) The Federal-aid project number or other appropriate references;
(4) The name of the Federal agency exercising jurisdiction over the land and identity of the installation or activity in possession of the land;
(5) A map showing the survey of the lands to be acquired;
(6) A legal description of the lands desired; and
(7) A statement of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332, et seq.) and any other applicable Federal environmental laws, including the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470(f)), and 23 U.S.C. 138.
(e) If the FHWA concurs in the need for the transfer, the land-owning agency will be notified and a right-of-entry requested. The land-owning agency shall have a period of four months in which to designate conditions necessary for the adequate protection and utilization of the reserve or to certify that the proposed appropriation is contrary to the public interest or inconsistent with the purposes for which such land or materials have been reserved. The FHWA may extend the four-month reply period at the timely request of the land-owning agency for good cause.
(f) Deeds for conveyance of lands or interests in lands owned by the United States shall be prepared by the STD and certified by an attorney licensed within the State as being legally sufficient. Such deeds shall contain the clauses required by the FHWA and 49 CFR 21.7(a)(2). After the STD prepares the deed, it will submit the proposed deed with the certification to the FHWA for review and execution.
(g) Following execution, the STD shall record the deed in the appropriate land record office and so advise the FHWA and the concerned agency.
(h) When the need for the interest acquired under this subpart no longer exists, the STD must restore the land to the condition which existed prior to the transfer and must give notice to the FHWA and to the concerned Federal agency that such interest will immediately revert to the control of the Federal agency from which it was appropriated or to its assigns. Alternative arrangements may be made for the sale or reversion or restoration of the lands no longer required as part of a memorandum of understanding or separate agreement.