(a) For the period of the previous year, each State shall submit to the FHWA Division Administrator no later than August 31 of each year the following reports related to the HSIP in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 148(g):
(1) A report with a defined one year reporting period describing the progress being made to implement the State HSIP that:
(i) Describes the progress in implementing the projects, including the funds available, and the number and general listing of the types of projects initiated. The general listing of the projects initiated shall be structured to identify how the projects relate to the State SHSP and to the State's safety goals and objectives. The report shall also provide a clear description of the project selection process;
(ii) Assesses the effectiveness of the improvements. This section shall: Provide a demonstration of the overall effectiveness of the HSIP; include figures showing the general highway safety trends in the State by number and by rate; and describe the extent to which improvements contributed to performance goals, including reducing the number of roadway crashes leading to fatalities and serious injuries.
(iii) Describes the High Risk Rural Roads program, providing basic program implementation information, methods used to identify high risk rural roads, information assessing the High Risk Rural Roads program projects, and a summary of the overall High Risk Rural Roads program effectiveness.
(2) A report describing progress being made to implement railway-highway grade crossing improvements in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 130(g), and the effectiveness of these improvements.
(3) A transparency report describing not less than 5 percent of a State's highway locations exhibiting the most severe safety needs that:
(i) Identifies potential remedies to those hazardous locations; estimates costs associated with the remedies; and identifies impediments to implementation other than cost associated with those remedies;
(ii) Emphasizes fatality and serious injury data;
(iii) At a minimum, uses the most recent three to five years of crash data;
(iv) Identifies the data years used and describes the extent of coverage of all public roads included in the data analysis;
(v) Identifies the methodology used to determine how the locations were selected; and
(vi) Is compatible with the requirements of 29 U.S.C. 794(d), Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
(b) The preparation of the State's annual reports may be financed with funds made available through 23 U.S.C. 104(b)(1), (3), and (5), 105, 402, and 505, and for metropolitan planning areas, 23 U.S.C. 104(f).