Unless otherwise specified in this part, the definitions in 23 U.S.C. 101(a) are applicable to this part. In addition, the following definitions apply:
Hazard index formula means any safety or crash prediction formula used for determining the relative likelihood of hazardous conditions at railway-highway grade crossings, taking into consideration weighted factors, and severity of crashes.
High risk rural road means any roadway functionally classified as a rural major or minor collector or a rural local road--
(1) On which the crash rate for fatalities and incapacitating injuries exceeds the statewide average for those functional classes of roadway; or
(2) That will likely have increases in traffic volume that are likely to create a crash rate for fatalities and incapacitating injuries that exceeds the statewide average for those functional classes of roadway.
Highway means,
(1) A road, street, and parkway;
(2) A right-of-way, bridge, railroad-highway crossing, tunnel, drainage structure, sign, guardrail, and protective structure, in connection with a highway; and
(3) A portion of any interstate or international bridge or tunnel and the approaches thereto, the cost of which is assumed by a State transportation department, including such facilities as may be required by the United States Customs and Immigration Services in connection with the operation of an international bridge or tunnel; and
(4) Those facilities specifically provided for the accommodation and protection of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Highway-rail grade crossing protective devices means those traffic control devices in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices specified for use at such crossings; and system components associated with such traffic control devices, such as track circuit improvements and interconnections with highway traffic signals.
Highway safety improvement program means the program carried out under 23 U.S.C. 130 and 148.
Highway safety improvement project means a project consistent with the State strategic highway safety plan (SHSP) that corrects or improves a hazardous road location or feature, or addresses a highway safety problem. Projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) An intersection safety improvement.
(2) Pavement and shoulder widening (including addition of a passing lane to remedy an unsafe condition).
(3) Installation of rumble strips or other warning devices, if the rumble strips or other warning devices do not adversely affect the safety or mobility of bicyclists, pedestrians and persons with disabilities.
(4) Installation of a skid-resistant surface at an intersection or other location with a high frequency of crashes.
(5) An improvement for pedestrian or bicyclist safety or for the safety of persons with disabilities.
(6) Construction of any project for the elimination of hazards at a railway-highway crossing that is eligible for funding under 23 U.S.C. 130, including the separation or protection of grades at railway-highway crossings.
(7) Construction of a railway-highway crossing safety feature, including installation of highway-rail grade crossing protective devices.
(8) The conduct of an effective traffic enforcement activity at a railway-highway crossing.
(9) Construction of a traffic calming feature.
(10) Elimination of a roadside obstacle or roadside hazard.
(11) Improvement of highway signage and pavement markings.
(12) Installation of a priority control system for emergency vehicles at signalized intersections.
(13) Installation of a traffic control or other warning device at a location with high crash potential.
(14) Transportation safety planning.
(15) Improvement in the collection and analysis of safety data.
(16) Planning integrated interoperable emergency communications equipment, operational activities, or traffic enforcement activities (including law enforcement assistance) relating to work zone safety.
(17) Installation of guardrails, barriers (including barriers between construction work zones and traffic lanes for the safety of road users and workers), and crash attenuators.
(18) The addition or retrofitting of structures or other measures to eliminate or reduce crashes involving vehicles and wildlife.
(19) Installation and maintenance of signs (including fluorescent yellow-green signs) at pedestrian-bicycle crossings and in school zones.
(21) Construction and operational improvements on high risk rural roads.
(22) Conducting road safety audits.
Integrated interoperable emergency communication equipment means equipment that supports an interoperable emergency communications system.
Interoperable emergency communications system means a network of hardware and software that allows emergency response providers and relevant Federal, State, and local government agencies to communicate with each other as necessary through a dedicated public safety network utilizing information technology systems and radio communications systems, and to exchange voice, data, or video with one another on demand, in real time, as necessary.
Operational improvements means a capital improvement for installation of traffic surveillance and control equipment; computerized signal systems; motorist information systems; integrated traffic control systems; incident management programs; transportation demand management facilities, strategies, and programs; and such other capital improvements to public roads as the Secretary may designate by regulation.
Public grade crossing means a railway-highway grade crossing where the roadway is under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority and open to public travel. All roadway approaches must be under the jurisdiction of the public roadway authority, and no roadway approach may be on private property.
Public road means any highway, road, or street under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority and open to public travel.
Road Safety Audit means a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent multidisciplinary audit team.
Safety data includes, but is not limited to, crash, roadway, traffic, and vehicle data on all public roads including, for railway-highway grade crossings, the characteristics of both highway and train traffic.
Safety projects under any other section means safety projects eligible for funding under Title 23, United States Code, including projects to promote safety awareness, public education, and projects to enforce highway safety laws.
Safety stakeholder means
(1) A highway safety representative of the Governor of the State;
(2) Regional transportation planning organizations and metropolitan planning organizations, if any;
(3) Representatives of major modes of transportation;
(4) State and local traffic enforcement officials;
(5) Persons responsible for administering section 130 at the State level;
(6) Representatives conducting Operation Lifesaver;
(7) Representatives conducting a motor carrier safety program under section 31102, 31106, or 31309 of title 49;
(8) Motor vehicle administration agencies; and
(9) Includes, but is not limited to, local, State, and Federal transportation agencies and tribal governments.
Serious injury means an incapacitating injury or any injury, other than a fatal injury, which prevents the injured person from walking, driving, or normally continuing the activities the person was capable of performing before the injury occurred.
State means any one of the 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Strategic highway safety plan means a comprehensive, data-driven safety plan developed, implemented, and evaluated in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 148.
Transparency report means the report submitted to the Secretary annually under 23 U.S.C. 148(c)(1)(D) and in accordance with Sec. 924.15 of this part that describes, in a clearly understandable fashion, not less than 5 percent of locations determined by the State as exhibiting the most severe safety needs; and contains an assessment of potential remedies to hazardous locations identified; estimated costs associated with those remedies; and impediments to implementation other than cost associated with those remedies.