Each project included in an application that meets the threshold requirements shall be competitively rated within each Area ONAP's jurisdiction under the five following rating factors. Additional details regarding the rating factors will be provided in the periodic NOFAs.
(a) Capacity. This factor will address the applicant's organizational resources necessary to successfully implement the proposed activities in a timely manner.
(b) Need/Extent of the problem. This factor will address the extent to which there is a need for the proposed project to address a documented problem among the intended beneficiaries.
(c) Soundness of Approach. This factor will address the quality and cost effectiveness of the proposed project, the commitment to sustain the proposed activities, and the degree to which the proposed project provides other benefits to community members.
(d) Leveraging of resources. This factor will address the level of tribal resources and resources from other entities that are used in conjunction with ICDBG funds to support the proposed project. HUD will evaluate the level of non-ICDBG resources based on the percentage of non-ICDBG resources provided relative to project costs.
(e) Comprehensiveness and coordination. This factor will address the extent to which the applicant's proposed activities are consistent with the strategic plans or policy goals of the community and further on-going priorities and activities of the community. [66 FR 4581, Jan. 17, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 8176, Jan. 30, 2001]