(a) Status and evaluation report. Grantees shall submit a status and evaluation report on previously funded open grants 45 days after the end of the Federal fiscal year and at the time of grant close-out. The report shall be in a narrative form addressing these areas.
(1) Progress. The progress made in completing approved activities should be described. This description should include a listing of work remaining together with a revised implementation schedule, if necessary.
(2) Expenditure of funds. A breakdown of funds spent on each major project activity or category should be provided.
(3) Program performance. Data on program outputs and outcomes, in a form prescribed by HUD.
(4) Grantee assessment. If the project has been completed, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the project in meeting the community development needs of the grantee should be provided.
(b) Minority business enterprise reports. Grantees shall submit to HUD, by October 10, a report on contract and subcontract activity during the fiscal year. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0191) [61 FR 40090, July 31, 1996. Redesignated at 62 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 75 FR 20271, Apr. 19, 2010]