(a) In general. A loan guaranteed under section 184 may be secured by any collateral authorized under and not prohibited by Federal, state, or tribal law and determined by the lender and approved by the Department to be sufficient to cover the amount of the loan, and may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) The property and/or improvements to be acquired, constructed, or rehabilitated, to the extent that an interest in such property is not subject to the restrictions against alienation applicable to trust or restricted land;
(2) A first and/or second mortgage on property other than trust land;
(3) Personal property; or
(4) Cash, notes, an interest in securities, royalties, annuities, or any other property that is transferable and whose present value may be determined.
(b) Leasehold of trust or restricted land as collateral. If a leasehold interest in trust or restricted land is used as collateral or security for the loan, the following additional provisions apply:
(1) Approved Lease. Any land lease for a unit financed under Section 184 must be on a form approved by both HUD and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of Interior.
(2) Assumption or sale of leasehold. The lease form must contain a provision requiring tribal consent before any assumption of an existing lease, except where title to the leasehold interest is obtained by the Department through foreclosure of the guaranteed mortgage or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. A mortgagee other than the Department must obtain tribal consent before obtaining title through a foreclosure sale. Tribal consent must be obtained on any subsequent transfer from the purchaser, including the Department, at foreclosure sale. The lease may not be terminated by the lessor without HUD's approval while the mortgage is guaranteed or held by the Department.
(3) The mortgagee or HUD shall only pursue liquidation after offering to transfer the account to an eligible tribal member, the Indian tribe, or the Indian housing authority servicing the Indian tribe or the TDHE servicing the Indian tribe. The mortgagee or HUD shall not sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of or alienate the property except to one of these three entities.
(4) Priority of loan obligation. Any tribal government whose courts have jurisdiction to hear foreclosures must enact a law providing for the satisfaction of a loan guaranteed or held by the Department before other obligations (other than tribal leasehold taxes against the property assessed after the property is mortgaged) are satisfied.
(5) Eviction procedures. Before HUD will guarantee a loan secured by trust land, the tribe having jurisdiction over such property must notify the Department that it has adopted and will enforce procedures for eviction of defaulted mortgagors where the guaranteed loan has been foreclosed.
(i) Enforcement. If the Department determines that the tribe has failed to enforce adequately its eviction procedures, HUD will cease issuing guarantees for loans for tribal members except pursuant to existing commitments. Adequate enforcement is demonstrated where prior evictions have been completed within 60 days after the date of the notice by HUD that foreclosure was completed.
(ii) Review. If the Department ceases to issue guarantees in accordance with paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section, HUD will notify the tribe of the reasons for such action and that the tribe may, within 30 days after notification of HUD's action, file a written appeal with the Director, Office of Loan Guarantee (OLG), Office of Native American Programs (ONAP). Within 30 days after notification of an adverse decision by the OLG Director, the tribe may file a written request for review with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for ONAP. Upon notification of an adverse decision by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, the tribe has 30 additional days to file an appeal with the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. The determination of the Assistant Secretary shall be final, but the tribe may resubmit the issue to the Assistant Secretary for review at any subsequent time, if new evidence or changed circumstances warrant reconsideration. (Any other administrative actions determined to be necessary to debar a tribe from participating in this program will be subject to the formal debarment procedures contained in 2 CFR part 2424.) [61 FR 9054, Mar. 6, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 63 FR 12349, 12373, Mar. 12, 1998; 63 FR 48991, Sept. 11, 1998; 67 FR 19493, Apr. 19, 2002; 72 FR 73497, Dec. 27, 2007]