(a) Where preliminary analysis of a complaint, a compliance review initiated by the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO;, or other information indicates a possible violation of E.O. 11063, or this part, the person allegedly in violation (respondent) shall be sent a Notice of Compliance Meeting and requested to attend a compliance meeting. The Notice shall advise the respondent of the matters to be addressed in the Compliance Meeting and the allegations contained in a complaint received pursuant to Sec. 107.35. The purpose of the compliance meeting is to provide the respondent with the opportunity to address matters raised and to remedy such possible violations speedily and informally, to identify possible remedies; and to effect a resolution as provided in Sec. 107.45.
(b) The Notice of Compliance Meeting shall be sent to the last known address of the person allegedly in violation, by certified mail, or through personal service. The Notice will advise such person of the right to respond within seven (7) days to the matters and to submit information and relevant data evidencing compliance with E.O. 11063, the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Regulations, 24 CFR 200.600, the Fair Housing Poster Regulations, 24 CFR part 110, the Advertising Guidelines for Fair Housing, 37 FR 6700, April 1, 1972, other affirmative marketing requirements applicable to the program or activity and any revisions thereto. Further, the person will be offered an opportunity to be present at the meeting in order to submit any other evidence showing such compliance. The date, place, and time of the scheduled meeting will be included in the Notice.
(c) Whenever a compliance meeting is scheduled as a result of a complaint, the complainant shall be sent a copy of the Notice of Compliance Meeting and shall be provided an opportunity to attend the meeting.
(d) The Area Office having jurisdiction over the program will prepare a report concerning the status of the respondent's participation in Department programs to be presented to the respondent at the meeting. The Area Manager shall be notified of the meeting and may attend the meeting.
(e) At the Compliance Meeting the respondent and the complainant may be represented by counsel and shall have a fair opportunity to present any matters relevant to the complaint.
(f) During and pursuant to the Compliance Meeting, the Director of the Office of Regional FH&EO; shall consider all evidence relating to the alleged violation, including any action taken by the person allegedly in violation to comply with E.O. 11063.
(g) If the evidence shows no violation of the Executive order or this part, the Director of the Office of Regional FH&EO; shall so notify the person(s) involved within ten (10) days of the meeting. A copy of this notification shall be sent to the complainant, if any, and shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO.;
(h) If the evidence indicates an apparent failure to comply with the Executive order or this part, and the matter cannot be resolved informally pursuant to Sec. 107.45, the Director of the Office of Regional FH&EO; shall so notify the respondent and the complainant, if any, no later than ten (10) days after the date on which the compliance meeting is held, in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall advise the complainant, if any, and the respondent whether the Department will conduct a compliance review pursuant to Sec. 107.50 or, where appropriate, refer the matter to the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO; for possible imposition of sanctions. A copy of this notification shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO.; The compliance review shall be conducted to determine whether the respondent has complied with the provisions of E.O. 11063, title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Department regulations and the Department's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing requirements.
(i) If the respondent fails to attend a compliance meeting scheduled pursuant to this section, the Director of the Office of Regional FH&EO; shall notify the respondent no later than ten (10) days after the date of the scheduled meeting, in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, as to whether the Department will conduct a compliance review or, where appropriate, refer the matter to the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO; for possible imposition of sanctions. A copy of this notification shall be submitted to the Assistant Secretary for FH&EO; and sent to the complainant, if any.