(a) General. All compliance reviews shall be conducted by the civil rights/compliance reviewing office. Complaints alleging a violation(s) of the AFHM regulations, or information ascertained in the absence of a complaint indicating an applicant's failure to comply with an AFHM plan, shall be referred immediately to the civil rights/compliance reviewing office. The monitoring office shall be notified as appropriate of all alleged violations of the AFHM regulations or alleged failure to comply with an AFHM plan.
(b) Initiation of compliance reviews. Even in the absence of a complaint or other information indicating noncompliance pursuant to paragraph (a), the civil rights/compliance reviewing office may conduct periodic compliance reviews throughout the life of the mortgage in the case of multi-family projects and throughout the duration of the Housing Assistance Payments Contract with the Department in the case of housing assisted under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 1437.
(c) Nature of compliance reviews. The purpose of a compliance review is to determine whether the applicant is in compliance with the Department's AFHM requirements and the applicant's approved AFHM plan. Where allegations under this part may also constitute a violation of the provisions of Executive Order 11063 or title VIII, the review will also determine compliance with the requirements thereof. The applicant shall be given at least five (5) days notice of the time set for any compliance review and the place or places for such review. The compliance review will cover the following areas:
(1) Applicant's sales and rental practices, including practices in soliciting buyers and tenants, determining eligibility, selecting and rejecting buyers and renters, and in concluding sales and rental transactions.
(2) Programs to attract minority and majority buyers and renters regardless of sex, including:
(i) Use of advertising media, brochures, and pamphlets;
(ii) Conformance with both the Department's Fair Housing Poster Regulation (24 CFR part 110) and the Advertising Guidelines for Fair Housing (37 FR 6700) and any revisions thereto.
(3) Data relating to:
(i) The size and location of units;
(ii) Services provided;
(iii) Sales and/or rental price ranges;
(iv) The race and sex of buyers and/or renters;
(v) Race and sex of staff engaged in sale or rental of dwellings.
(4) Other matters relating to the marketing or sales of dwellings under HUD affirmative marketing requirements, the AFMH Plan and this part. [44 FR 47013, Aug. 9, 1979, as amended at 64 FR 44096, Aug. 12, 1999]