If the production of material or provision of testimony has been authorized, the Department may respond by producing authenticated copies of the documents, to which the seal of the Department has been affixed in accordance with its authentication procedures. The authentication shall be evidence that the documents are true copies of documents in the Department's files and shall be sufficient for the purposes of Rules 803(8) and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence and Rule 44(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. [73 FR 72207, Nov. 26, 2008]
Sec. Appendix A to Part 15--Location Information for HUD FOIA Reading
Rooms and Contact Information for Regional Counsel
The Department maintains a reading room in Headquarters and in each of the Secretary's Representative's Offices. In addition, each of the Secretary's Representative's Offices has a Regional Counsel. The location and contact information for HUD's FOIA Reading Rooms and for the Regional Counsel can be found in HUD's Local Office Directory, on HUD's Internet site at http://www.hud.gov. [73 FR 72207, Nov. 26, 2008]