(a) Applicable standards and requirements. The physical condition standards and physical inspection requirements in 24 CFR part 5, subpart G, are applicable to the properties assisted or insured that are listed in Sec. 200.853.
(b) Entity responsible for inspection of property. The regulations that govern the programs listed in Sec. 200.853, or regulatory agreements or contracts, identify the entity responsible for conducting the physical inspection of the property which is HUD, the lender or the owner. For properties with more than one HUD insured loan, only the first mortgage lender is required to conduct the physical inspection. The second mortgage lender will be provided a copy of the physical inspection report by the first mortgage lender.
(c) Timing of inspections. (1) For a property subject to an annual inspection under this subpart, the inspection shall be conducted no earlier than 9 months and no later than 15 months from the date of the last required inspection. In no event, however, shall the physical inspection be conducted after the end of the calendar year following the one year anniversary date of the last required inspection.
(1) For a property subject to an annual inspection under this subpart, the inspection shall be conducted no earlier than 9 months and no later than 15 months from the date of the last required inspection. In no event, however, shall the physical inspection be conducted after the end of the calendar year following the one year anniversary date of the last required inspection.
(2) For a property subject to an inspection every two years under this subpart, the inspection shall be conducted no earlier than 21 months and no later than 27 months from the date of the last required inspection. In no event, however, shall the physical inspection be conducted after the end of the calendar year following the two year anniversary date of the last required inspection.
(3) For a property subject to an inspection every three years under this subpart, the inspection shall be conducted no earlier than 33 months and no later than 39 months from the date of the last required inspection. In no event, however, shall the physical inspection be conducted after the end of the calendar year following the three year anniversary date of the last required inspection.
(4) For a newly endorsed multifamily property, the first inspection required under this subpart will be conducted no earlier than 21 months but not later than 27 months from the date of final endorsement. In no event, however, shall the inspection be conducted after the end of the calendar year following the two year anniversary date of final endorsement.
(5)(i) For assisted-living facilities, board and care facilities, and intermediate care facilities, the initial inspection required under this subpart will be conducted within the same time restrictions set forth in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, and any further inspections will be conducted at a frequency determined consistent with Sec. 200.857, except that HUD may exempt such facilities from physical inspections under this part if HUD determines that the State or local government has a reliable and adequate inspection system in place, with the results of the inspection being readily and timely available to HUD; and
(i) For assisted-living facilities, board and care facilities, and intermediate care facilities, the initial inspection required under this subpart will be conducted within the same time restrictions set forth in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, and any further inspections will be conducted at a frequency determined consistent with Sec. 200.857, except that HUD may exempt such facilities from physical inspections under this part if HUD determines that the State or local government has a reliable and adequate inspection system in place, with the results of the inspection being readily and timely available to HUD; and
(ii) For any other Section 232 facilities, the inspection will be conducted only when and if HUD determines, on the basis of information received, such as through a complaint, site inspection, or referral by a State agency, on a case-by-case basis, that inspection of a particular facility is needed to assure protection of the residents or the adequate preservation of the project. [65 FR 77240, Dec. 8, 2000, as amended at 77 FR 55135, Sept. 7, 2012]