An organization may be approved by HUD as a HUD-approved housing counseling agency upon meeting the requirements of Sec. 214.103 and upon completing the application procedures set forth in this subpart B.
(a) The approval of a counseling agency does not create or imply a warranty or endorsement by HUD of the listed agency, or their employees, including counselors, to a prospective client or to any other organization or individual, nor does it represent a warranty of any counseling provided by the agency. Approval means only that the agency has met the qualifications and conditions prescribed by HUD.
(b) Effective date. Agencies approved by HUD on or before October 29, 2007 and agencies that have submitted applications to HUD on or before September 28, 2007 and that are subsequently approved, are required to be in full compliance with the requirements in this part on October 1, 2007. Agencies approved after October 29, 2007 must comply with this part.