(a) Issuance of commitment. Upon approval of an application for insurance, a commitment shall be issued by the Commissioner setting forth the terms and conditions upon which the fire safety loan will be insured.
(b) Type of commitment. The commitment will provide for the insurance of the loan after satisfactory completion of installation of the fire safety equipment, as determined by the Secretary of HHS.
(c) Term of commitment. (1) If the commitment fee is paid as required, a commitment shall have a term within which the borrower is required to begin construction, and if construction is begun as required, for such additional period as the Commissioner deems necessary for satisfactory completion of installation.
(1) If the commitment fee is paid as required, a commitment shall have a term within which the borrower is required to begin construction, and if construction is begun as required, for such additional period as the Commissioner deems necessary for satisfactory completion of installation.
(2) The term of a commitment may be extended in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe.
(d) Commitment fee. A commitment fee which, when added to the application fee, will aggregate $4.00 per thousand of the amount of the fire safety loan (with a minimum total of $50.00 for both fees) set forth in the commitment, and shall be paid prior to issuance of the commitment.
(e) Reopening of expired commitments. An expired commitment may be reopened if a request for reopening is received by the Commissioner within 10 days of the expiration of the commitment. The reopening request shall be accompanied by a fee of 50 cents per thousand dollars of the amount of the expired commitment. If the reopening request is not received by the Commissioner within the required 10-day period, a new application, accompanied by the required application and commitment fee, must be submitted.
(f) Increase in commitment prior to endorsement. An application, filed prior to endorsement, for an increase in the amount of an outstanding firm commitment shall be accompanied by a combined additional application and commitment fee. The combined additional fee shall be in an amount which will aggregate $4.00 per thousand dollars of the amount of the requested increase. If an inspection fee was required in the original commitment, an additional inspection fee shall be paid in an amount computed at the same dollar rate per thousand dollars of the amount of increase in commitment as was used for the inspection fee required in the original commitment. The additional inspection fee shall be paid prior to the date installation of fire safety equipment, is begun or, if installation has begun, it shall be paid with the application for increase.