The Secretary shall enter into Rental Assistance Contracts with the owners of section 236 projects which:
(a) Had received a commitment for mortgage insurance under this part on or before August 22, 1974, but are reprocessed before final endorsement with rental assistance pursuant to an agreement between the sponsor and the Secretary;
(b) Had not received a commitment for mortgage insurance under this part on or before August 22, 1974, but did so subsequently;
(c) Had received a reservation of section 236 contract authority (in the case of projects processed without HUD mortgage insurance and to be financed under a State or local government aided program pursuant to section 236(b) of the National Housing Act) on or before August 22, 1974, but are reprocessed with rental assistance pursuant to an Agreement between the sponsor, the State or local agency providing additional aid to the project, and the Secretary. Projects in this category which are converted from Rent Supplement shall have Rental Assistance Contracts with terms which do not exceed the unexpired terms of the Rent Supplement Contracts. Projects in this category which have no Rent Supplement Contract shall have Rental Assistance Contracts with terms which do not exceed the unexpired terms of Agreement for Interest Reduction Payments or equivalent documents or 40 years whichever is less; or
(d) Had not received a reservation of section 236 contract authority (in the case of projects processed without HUD mortgage insurance) on or before August 22, 1974, but did so subsequently. Projects may not receive the benefit of rent supplement payments under part 215 of this Title and rental assistance payments at the same time. (Notwithstanding the provisions of this subpart, it shall be a matter of the Secretary's discretion whether he enters into contracts for such benefits in connection with the sale of HUD-owned projects.) The conditions of eligibility for a Rental Assistance Contract and its terms are specified in this subpart D. [40 FR 31872, July 29, 1975, as amended at 45 FR 50734, July 31, 1980]