The requirements set forth in this section apply to all HUD programs, except as may be otherwise noted in the respective program regulations in title 24 of the CFR, or unless inconsistent with statutes authorizing certain HUD programs:
(a) Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. (1) The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 100 et seq.; Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executive Order 12259 (3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 652 and 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 307) (Equal Opportunity in Housing Programs) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 107; title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4) (Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-6107) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 146; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at part 8 of this title; title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.; 24 CFR part 8; section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 135; Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Orders 11375, 11478, 12086, and 12107 (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339; 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 684; 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 803; 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 230; and 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264, respectively) (Equal Employment Opportunity Programs) and implementing regulations at 41 CFR chapter 60; Executive Order 11625, as amended by Executive Order 12007 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616 and 3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 139) (Minority Business Enterprises); Executive Order 12432 (3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198) (Minority Business Enterprise Development); and Executive Order 12138, as amended by Executive Order 12608 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393 and 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 245) (Women's Business Enterprise).
(1) The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 100 et seq.; Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executive Order 12259 (3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 652 and 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 307) (Equal Opportunity in Housing Programs) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 107; title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4) (Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-6107) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 146; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at part 8 of this title; title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.; 24 CFR part 8; section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 135; Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Orders 11375, 11478, 12086, and 12107 (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339; 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 684; 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 803; 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 230; and 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264, respectively) (Equal Employment Opportunity Programs) and implementing regulations at 41 CFR chapter 60; Executive Order 11625, as amended by Executive Order 12007 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616 and 3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 139) (Minority Business Enterprises); Executive Order 12432 (3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198) (Minority Business Enterprise Development); and Executive Order 12138, as amended by Executive Order 12608 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393 and 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 245) (Women's Business Enterprise).
(2) Equal access to HUD-assisted or insured housing. (i) Eligibility for HUD-assisted or insured housing. A determination of eligibility for housing that is assisted by HUD or subject to a mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration shall be made in accordance with the eligibility requirements provided for such program by HUD, and such housing shall be made available without regard to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
(i) Eligibility for HUD-assisted or insured housing. A determination of eligibility for housing that is assisted by HUD or subject to a mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration shall be made in accordance with the eligibility requirements provided for such program by HUD, and such housing shall be made available without regard to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
(ii) Prohibition of inquiries on sexual orientation or gender identity. No owner or administrator of HUD-assisted or HUD-insured housing, approved lender in an FHA mortgage insurance program, nor any (or any other) recipient or subrecipient of HUD funds may inquire about the sexual orientation or gender identity of an applicant for, or occupant of, HUD-assisted housing or housing whose financing is insured by HUD, whether renter- or owner-occupied, for the purpose of determining eligibility for the housing or otherwise making such housing available. This prohibition on inquiries regarding sexual orientation or gender identity does not prohibit any individual from voluntarily self-identifying sexual orientation or gender identity. This prohibition on inquiries does not prohibit lawful inquiries of an applicant or occupant's sex where the housing provided or to be provided to the individual is temporary, emergency shelter that involves the sharing of sleeping areas or bathrooms, or inquiries made for the purpose of determining the number of bedrooms to which a household may be entitled.
(b) Disclosure requirements. The disclosure requirements and prohibitions of 31 U.S.C. 1352 and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 87; and the requirements for funding competitions established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3531 et seq.).
(c) Debarred, suspended, or ineligible contractors and participants. The prohibitions at 2 CFR part 2424 on the use of debarred, suspended, or ineligible contractors and participants.
(d) Drug-free workplace. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.) and HUD's implementing regulations at 2 CFR part 2429. [61 FR 5202, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 65 FR 16715, Mar. 29, 2000; 72 FR 73491, Dec. 27, 2007; 76 FR 45167, July 28, 2011; 77 FR 5674, Feb. 3, 2012]