(a) Obligation of funds. When HUD and the applicant execute a grant agreement, funds are obligated to cover the amount of the approved assistance under subpart B of this part. The recipient will be expected to carry out the supportive housing or supportive services activities as proposed in the application.
(b) Increases. After the initial obligation of funds, HUD will not make revisions to increase the amount obligated.
(c) Deobligation. (1) HUD may deobligate all or parts of grants for acquisition, rehabilitation, acquisition and rehabilitation, or new construction:
(1) HUD may deobligate all or parts of grants for acquisition, rehabilitation, acquisition and rehabilitation, or new construction:
(i) If the actual total cost of acquisition, rehabilitation, acquisition and rehabilitation, or new construction is less than the total cost anticipated in the application; or
(ii) If proposed activities for which funding was approved are not begun within three months or residents do not begin to occupy the facility within nine months after grant execution.
(2) HUD may deobligate the amounts for annual leasing costs, operating costs or supportive services in any year:
(i) If the actual leasing costs, operating costs or supportive services for that year are less than the total cost anticipated in the application; or
(ii) If the proposed supportive housing operations are not begun within three months after the units are available for occupancy.
(3) The grant agreement may set forth in detail other circumstances under which funds may be deobligated, and other sanctions may be imposed.
(4) HUD may:
(i) Readvertise the availability of funds that have been deobligated under this section in a notice of fund availability under Sec. 583.200, or
(ii) Award deobligated funds to applications previously submitted in response to the most recently published notice of fund availability, and in accordance with subpart C of this part.