(a) Purpose. The Public Housing Capital Fund Program (Capital Fund Program or CFP) provides financial assistance to public housing agencies (PHAs) and resident management corporations (RMC) (pursuant to 24 CFR 964.225) to make improvements to existing public housing. The CFP also provides financial assistance to develop public housing, including mixed-finance developments that contain public housing units.
(b) General description. Congress appropriates amounts for the Capital Fund in HUD's annual appropriations. In order to receive a Capital Fund grant, the PHA must:
(1) Validate project-level information in HUD's data systems, as prescribed by HUD;
(2) Have an approved CFP 5-Year Action Plan;
(3) Enter into a Capital Fund Annual Contributions Contract (CF ACC) Amendment to the PHA's Annual Contributions Contract (as defined in 24 CFR 5.403) with HUD; and
(4) Provide a written certification and counsel's opinion that all property receiving Capital Fund assistance is under a currently effective Declaration of Trust (DOT) and is in compliance with the CF ACC and the Act.
(c) Informational requirements. Section 905.300 of this part describes the information to be submitted to HUD for the CFP. HUD uses the CF formula set forth in Sec. 905.400 of this part, along with data provided by the PHA and other information, including, but not limited to, the high-performance information from the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) and location cost indices, to determine each PHA's annual grant amount. HUD notifies each PHA of the amount of the grant and provides a CF ACC Amendment that must be signed by the PHA and executed by HUD in order for the PHA to access the grant. After HUD executes the CF ACC Amendment, the PHA may draw down funds for eligible costs that have been described in its CFP Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report or CFP 5-Year Action Plan.
(d) Eligible activities. Eligible Capital Fund costs and activities as further described in subpart B of this part include, but are not limited to, making physical improvements to the public housing stock and developing public housing units to be added to the existing inventory. With HUD approval, a PHA may also leverage its public housing inventory by borrowing additional capital on the private market and pledging a portion of its annual Capital Funds for debt service, in accordance with Sec. 905.500 of this part.
(e) Obligation and expenditure requirements. A PHA must obligate and expend its Capital Funds in accordance with Sec. 905.306 of this part. The PHA will directly employ labor, either temporarily or permanently, to perform work (force account) or contract for the required work in accordance with 24 CFR part 85. Upon completion of the work, the PHA must submit an Actual Modernization Cost Certificate (AMCC) or Actual Development Cost Certificate (ADCC) and a final Performance and Evaluation Report (in accordance with Sec. 905.322 of this part) to HUD to close out each Capital Fund grant.
(f) Financing and development. Section 905.500 of this part regulates financing activities using Capital Funds and Operating Funds. Section 905.600 of this part contains the development requirements, including those related to mixed-finance development, formerly found in 24 CFR part 941. Section 905.700 of this part describes the criteria for the use of Capital Funds for other security interests. Section 905.800 of this part addresses PHA compliance with Capital Fund requirements and HUD capability for review and sanction for noncompliance.