(a) Applicability and adoption of the citizen participation plan. (1) The State is required to adopt a citizen participation plan that sets forth the State's policies and procedures for citizen participation. (Where a State, before March 6, 1995, adopted a citizen participation plan that complies with section 104(a)(3) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(A)(3)) but will need to amend the citizen participation plan to comply with provisions of this section, the citizen participation plan shall be amended by the first day of the State's program year that begins on or after 180 days following March 6, 1995.)
(1) The State is required to adopt a citizen participation plan that sets forth the State's policies and procedures for citizen participation. (Where a State, before March 6, 1995, adopted a citizen participation plan that complies with section 104(a)(3) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5304(A)(3)) but will need to amend the citizen participation plan to comply with provisions of this section, the citizen participation plan shall be amended by the first day of the State's program year that begins on or after 180 days following March 6, 1995.)
(2) Encouragement of citizen participation. (i) The citizen participation plan must provide for and encourage citizens to participate in the development of the consolidated plan, any substantial amendments to the consolidated plan, and the performance report. These requirements are designed especially to encourage participation by low- and moderate-income persons, particularly those living in slum and blighted areas and in areas where CDBG funds are proposed to be used, and by residents of predominantly low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. A State is also expected to take whatever actions are appropriate to encourage the participation of all its citizens, including minorities and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with disabilities.
(i) The citizen participation plan must provide for and encourage citizens to participate in the development of the consolidated plan, any substantial amendments to the consolidated plan, and the performance report. These requirements are designed especially to encourage participation by low- and moderate-income persons, particularly those living in slum and blighted areas and in areas where CDBG funds are proposed to be used, and by residents of predominantly low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. A State is also expected to take whatever actions are appropriate to encourage the participation of all its citizens, including minorities and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with disabilities.
(ii) The State shall encourage the participation of local, regional, and statewide institutions, Continuums of Care, and other organizations (including businesses, developers, nonprofit organizations, philanthropic organizations, and community-based and faith-based organizations) that are involved with or affected by the programs or activities covered by the consolidated plan in the process of developing and implementing the consolidated plan.
(iii) The state should explore alternative public involvement techniques that encourage a shared vision of change for the community and the review of program performance; e.g., the use of focus groups and the Internet.
(3) Citizen and local government comment on the citizen participation plan and amendments. The State must provide citizens and units of general local government a reasonable opportunity to comment on the original citizen participation plan and on substantial amendments to the citizen participation plan, and must make the citizen participation plan public. The citizen participation plan must be in a format accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request.
(b) Development of the consolidated plan. The citizen participation plan must include the following minimum requirements for the development of the consolidated plan.
(1) The citizen participation plan must require that, before the State adopts a consolidated plan, the State will make available to citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties information that includes the amount of assistance the State expects to receive and the range of activities that may be undertaken, including the estimated amount that will benefit persons of low- and moderate-income and the plans to minimize displacement of persons and to assist any persons displaced. The citizen participation plan must state when and how the State will make this information available.
(2) The citizen participation plan must require the State to publish the proposed consolidated plan in a manner that affords citizens, units of general local governments, public agencies, and other interested parties a reasonable opportunity to examine its contents and to submit comments. The citizen participation plan must set forth how the State will publish the proposed consolidated plan and give reasonable opportunity to examine the contents of the proposed consolidated plan. The requirement for publishing may be met by publishing a summary of the proposed consolidated plan in one or more newspapers of general circulation, and by making copies of the proposed consolidated plan available at libraries, government offices, and public places. The summary must describe the contents and purpose of the consolidated plan, and must include a list of the locations where copies of the entire proposed consolidated plan may be examined. In addition, the State must provide a reasonable number of free copies of the plan to citizens and groups that request it.
(3) The citizen participation plan must provide for at least one public hearing on housing and community development needs before the proposed consolidated plan is published for comment.
(i) The citizen participation plan must state how and when adequate advance notice will be given to citizens of the hearing, with sufficient information published about the subject of the hearing to permit informed comment. (Publishing small print notices in the newspaper a few days before the hearing does not constitute adequate notice. Although HUD is not specifying the length of notice required, it would consider two weeks adequate.)
(ii) The citizen participation plan must provide that the hearing be held at a time and location convenient to potential and actual beneficiaries, and with accommodation for persons with disabilities. The citizen participation plan must specify how it will meet these requirements.
(iii) The citizen participation plan must identify how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of a public hearing where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate.
(4) The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than 30 days, to receive comments from citizens and units of general local government on the consolidated plan.
(5) The citizen participation plan shall require the State to consider any comments or views of citizens and units of general received in writing, or orally at the public hearings, in preparing the final consolidated plan. A summary of these comments or views, and a summary of any comments or views not accepted and the reasons therefore, shall be attached to the final consolidated plan.
(c) Amendments--(1) Criteria for amendment to consolidated plan. The citizen participation plan must specify the criteria the State will use for determining what changes in the State's planned or actual activities constitute a substantial amendment to the consolidated plan. (See Sec. 91.505.) It must include among the criteria for a substantial amendment changes in the method of distribution of such funds.
(1) Criteria for amendment to consolidated plan. The citizen participation plan must specify the criteria the State will use for determining what changes in the State's planned or actual activities constitute a substantial amendment to the consolidated plan. (See Sec. 91.505.) It must include among the criteria for a substantial amendment changes in the method of distribution of such funds.
(2) The citizen participation plan must provide citizens and units of general local government with reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment on substantial amendments. The citizen participation plan must state how reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment will be given. The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than 30 days, to receive comments on the substantial amendment before the amendment is implemented.
(3) The citizen participation plan shall require the State to consider any comments or views of citizens and units of general local government received in writing, or orally at public hearings, if any, in preparing the substantial amendment of the consolidated plan. A summary of these comments or views, and a summary of any comments or views not accepted and the reasons therefore, shall be attached to the substantial amendment of the consolidated plan.
(d) Performance Reports. (1) The citizen participation plan must provide citizens with reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment on performance reports. The citizen participation plan must state how reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment will be given. The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than 15 days, to receive comments on the performance report that is to be submitted to HUD before its submission.
(1) The citizen participation plan must provide citizens with reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment on performance reports. The citizen participation plan must state how reasonable notice and an opportunity to comment will be given. The citizen participation plan must provide a period, not less than 15 days, to receive comments on the performance report that is to be submitted to HUD before its submission.
(2) The citizen participation plan shall require the state to consider any comments or views of citizens received in writing, or orally at public hearings in preparing the performance report. A summary of these comments or views shall be attached to the performance report.
(e) Citizen participation requirements for local governments. The citizen participation plan must describe the citizen participation requirements for units of general local government receiving CDBG funds from the State in 24 CFR 570.486. The citizen participation plan must explain how the requirements will be met.
(f) Availability to the public. The citizen participation plan must provide that the consolidated plan as adopted, substantial amendments, and the performance report will be available to the public, including the availability of materials in a form accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request. The citizen participation plan must state how these documents will be available to the public.
(g) Access to records. The citizen participation plan must require the state to provide citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties with reasonable and timely access to information and records relating to the state's consolidated plan and the state's use of assistance under the programs covered by this part during the preceding five years.
(h) Complaints. The citizen participation plan shall describe the State's appropriate and practicable procedures to handle complaints from citizens related to the consolidated plan, amendments, and performance report. At a minimum, the citizen participation plan shall require that the State must provide a timely, substantive written response to every written citizen complaint, within an established period of time (within 15 working days, where practicable, if the State is a CDBG grant recipient).
(i) Use of citizen participation plan. The State must follow its citizen participation plan. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506-0117) [60 FR 1896, Jan. 5, 1995, as amended at 71 FR 6963, Feb. 9, 2006; 76 FR 75968, Dec. 5, 2011]