(a) Jurisdictions other than participating jurisdictions and community housing development organizations receiving competitive reallocations from HUD are subject to the same requirements in subpart E (Program Requirements), subpart F (Project Requirements), subpart K (Program Administration), and subpart L (Performance Reviews and Sanctions) of this part as participating jurisdictions, except for the following:
(1) Subpart E (Program Requirements): the matching contribution requirements in Sec. 92.218 through Sec. 92.221 do not apply.
(2) Subpart K (Program Administration):
(i) Section 92.500 (The HOME Investment Trust Fund) does not apply. HUD will establish a HOME account in the United States Treasury and the HOME funds must be used for approved activities. A local account must be established for program income. HUD will recapture HOME funds in the HOME Treasury account by the amount of:
(A) Any funds that are not committed within 24 months after the last day of the month in which HUD notifies the entity of HUD's execution of the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement;
(B) Any funds that are not expended within five years after the last day of the month in which HUD notifies the entity of HUD's execution of the HOME Investment Partnership Agreement; and
(C) Any penalties assessed by HUD under Sec. 92.552.
(ii) Section 92.502 (Program disbursement and information system) applies, except that references to the HOME Investment Trust Fund mean HOME account and the reference to 24 CFR part 58 does not apply. In addition, Sec. 92.502(c) does not apply, and instead, compliance with Treasury Circular No. 1075 (31 CFR part 205) and 24 CFR 85.21 is required.
(iii) Section 92.503 (Program income, repayments, and recaptured funds) applies, except that program income may be retained provided the funds are used for eligible activities in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(3) Section 92.504 (Participating jurisdiction responsibilities; written agreements; on-site inspections) applies, except that the written agreement must ensure compliance with the requirements in this section.
(4) Section 92.508 (Recordkeeping) applies with respect to the records that relate to the requirements of this section.
(5) Section 92.509 (Performance reports) applies, except that a performance report is required only after completion of the approved projects.
(b) The requirements in subpart H (Other Federal Requirements) of this part apply as written, except that jurisdictions and community housing development organizations receiving reallocations from HUD must comply with affirmative marketing requirements, labor requirements, and lead-based paint requirements, applicable to participating jurisdictions.
(c) Subpart B (Allocation Formula), subpart C (Consortia; Designation and Revocation of Designation as a Participating Jurisdiction), and subpart G (Community Housing Development Organizations) of this part do not apply.
(d) Subpart A (General) applies, except that for the definitions of commitment, program income, and subrecipient, ``participating jurisdiction'' means jurisdiction or community housing development organization receiving the competitive reallocation.
Eligible and Prohibited Activities