(a) Match contribution to HOME-assisted housing. A contribution is recognized as a matching contribution if it is made with respect to:
(1) A tenant who is assisted with HOME funds;
(2) A HOME-assisted unit;
(3) The portion of a project that is not HOME-assisted provided that at least 50 percent of the housing units in the project are HOME-assisted. If the match contribution to the portion of the project that is not HOME-assisted meets the affordable housing requirements of Sec. 92.219(b)(2), the percentage requirement for HOME-assisted units does not apply; or
(4) The commercial space in a mixed-use project in which at least 51 percent of the floor space is residential provided that at least 50 percent of the dwelling units are HOME-assisted.
(b) Match contribution to affordable housing that is not HOME-assisted. The following requirements apply for recognition of matching contributions made to affordable housing that is not HOME-assisted:
(1) For tenant-based rental assistance that is not HOME-assisted:
(i) The contribution must be made with respect to a tenant who is assisted with tenant-based rental assistance that meets the requirements of Sec. 92.203 (Income determinations) and paragraphs (a), (c), (f), and (i) of Sec. 92.209 (Tenant-based rental assistance); and
(ii) The participating jurisdiction must demonstrate in writing that such assistance meets the provisions of Sec. Sec. 92.203 and 92.209 (except Sec. 92.209(e)).
(2) For affordable housing that is not HOME-assisted:
(i) The contribution must be made with respect to housing that qualifies as affordable housing under Sec. 92.252 or Sec. 92.254.
(ii) The participating jurisdiction or its instrumentality must execute, with the owner of the housing (or, if the participating jurisdiction is the owner, with the manager or developer), a written agreement that imposes and enumerates all of the affordability requirements from Sec. 92.252 and Sec. 92.253(a) and (b) (Tenant protections), or Sec. 92.254, whichever are applicable; the property standards requirements of Sec. 92.251; and income determinations made in accordance with Sec. 92.203. This written agreement must be executed before any match contributions may be made.
(iii) A participating jurisdiction must establish a procedure to monitor HOME match-eligible housing to ensure continued compliance with the requirements of Sec. Sec. 92.203 (Income determinations), 92.252 (Qualification as affordable housing: Rental housing), 92.253(a) and (b) (Tenant protections) and 92.254 (Qualification as affordable housing: Homeownership). No other HOME requirements apply.
(iv) The match may be in any eligible form of match except those in Sec. 92.220(a)(2) (forbearance of fees), (a)(4) (on-site and off-site infrastructure), (a)(10) (direct cost of supportive services) and (a)(11) (direct costs of homebuyer counseling services).
(v) Match contributions to mixed-use or mixed-income projects that contain affordable housing units will be recognized only if the contribution is made to the project's affordable housing units. [61 FR 48750, Sept. 16, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 28929, May 28, 1997]