The following project requirements contained in subpart F of this part apply to the ADDI:
(a) Maximum per-unit subsidy amount and subsidy layering. The maximum per-unit subsidy limits and subsidy layering requirements contained in Sec. 92.250 apply to the total HOME and ADDI funds in a project.
(b) Property standards. Housing assisted with ADDI funds must meet the property standards contained in Sec. 92.251.
(c) Qualification as affordable housing. Housing assisted with ADDI funds must meet the affordability requirements contained in Sec. 92.254(a) and (c). If a project receives both HOME and ADDI funds, the total of HOME and ADDI funds in the project is used for calculating the period of affordability described in Sec. 92.254(a)(4) and applied to resales (Sec. 92.254(a)(5)(i)) and recaptures (Sec. 92.254(a)(5)(ii)).
(d) Faith-based organizations. Faith-based organizations are eligible to participate in the ADDI as subrecipients or contractors as provided in Sec. 92.257.