An FSS program established under this part shall be operated in conformity with:
(a) The regulations of this part, and for a Section 8 FSS program, the rental certificate and rental voucher regulations, codified in 24 CFR parts 882, 887, and 982 respectively, and for a public housing FSS program, the applicable public housing regulations, including the regulations in 24 CFR parts 913, 960, and 966;
(b) An Action Plan, as described in Sec. 984.201, and provide comprehensive supportive services as defined in Sec. 984.103; and
(c) An FSS program established under this part shall be operated in compliance with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements set forth in 24 CFR part 5, with the exception of Executive Orders 11246, 11625, 12432, and 12138.