(a) Purpose. The Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) is designed to assess whether the Section 8 tenant-based assistance programs operate to help eligible families afford decent rental units at the correct subsidy cost. SEMAP also establishes a system for HUD to measure PHA performance in key Section 8 program areas and to assign performance ratings. SEMAP provides procedures for HUD to identify PHA management capabilities and deficiencies in order to target monitoring and program assistance more effectively. PHAs can use the SEMAP performance analysis to assess and improve their own program operations.
(b) Applicability. This rule applies to PHA administration of the tenant-based Section 8 rental voucher and rental certificate programs (24 CFR part 982), the project-based component (PBC) of the certificate program (24 CFR part 983) to the extent that PBC family and unit data are reported and measured under the stated HUD verification method, and enrollment levels and contributions to escrow accounts for Section 8 participants under the family self-sufficiency program (FSS) (24 CFR part 984). [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999]