Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 24  /  Part 990  /  Sec. 990.150 Limited vacancies.

(a) Operating subsidy for a limited number of vacancies. HUD shall pay operating subsidy for a limited number of vacant units under an ACC if the annualized vacancy rate is less than or equal to:

(1) Three percent of the PHA's total unit inventory (not to exceed 100 percent of the unit months under an ACC) for the period July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005, and

(2) Three percent of the total units on a project-by-project basis based on the definition of a project under subpart H of this part, beginning July 1, 2005.

(b) Exception for PHAs with 100 or fewer units. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, a PHA with 100 or fewer units will be paid operating subsidy for up to five vacant units not to exceed 100 percent of the unit months under an ACC. For example, a PHA with an inventory of 100 units and four vacancies during its fiscal year will be eligible for operating subsidy for all 100 units. A PHA with an inventory of 50 units with seven vacancies during its fiscal year will be eligible for operating subsidy for 48 units.