Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 24  /  Part 990  /  Sec. 990.155 Addition and deletion of units.

(a) Changes in public housing unit inventory. To generate a change to its formula amount within each one-year funding period, PHAs shall periodically (e.g., quarterly) report the following information to HUD, during the funding period:

(1) New units that were added to the ACC, and occupied by a public housing-eligible family during the prior reporting period for the one-year funding period, but have not been included in the previous EUMs' data; and

(2) Projects, or entire buildings in a project, that are eligible to receive an asset repositioning fee in accordance with the provisions in Sec. 990.190(h).

(b) Revised EUM calculation. (1) For new units, the revised calculation shall assume that all such units will be fully occupied for the balance of that funding period. The actual occupancy/vacancy status of these units will be included to calculate the PHA's operating subsidy in the subsequent funding period after these units have one full year of a reporting cycle.

(1) For new units, the revised calculation shall assume that all such units will be fully occupied for the balance of that funding period. The actual occupancy/vacancy status of these units will be included to calculate the PHA's operating subsidy in the subsequent funding period after these units have one full year of a reporting cycle.

(2) Projects, or entire buildings in a project, that are eligible to receive an asset repositioning fee in accordance with Sec. 990.190(h) are not to be included in the calculation of EUMs. Funding for these units is provided under the conditions described in Sec. 990.190(h).