Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 24  /  Part 990  /  Sec. 990.295 Resident Management Corporation operating subsidy.

(a) General. This part applies to all projects managed by a Resident Management Corporation (RMC), including a direct funded RMC.

(b) Operating subsidy. Subject to paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, the amount of operating subsidy that a PHA or HUD provides a project managed by an RMC shall not be reduced during the three-year period beginning on the date the RMC first assumes management responsibility for the project.

(c) Change factors. The operating subsidy for an RMC-managed project shall reflect changes in inflation, utility rates, and consumption, as well as changes in the number of units in the resident managed project.

(d) Exclusion of increased income. Any increased income directly generated by activities by the RMC or facilities operated by the RMC shall be excluded from the calculation of the operating subsidy.

(e) Exclusion of technical assistance. Any technical assistance the PHA provides to the RMC will not be included for purposes of determining the amount of funds provided to a project under paragraph (b) of this section.

(f) The following conditions may not affect the amounts to be provided under this part to a project managed by an RMC:

(1) Income reduction. Any reduction in the subsidy or total income of a PHA that occurs as a result of fraud, waste, or mismanagement by the PHA; and

(2) Change in total income. Any change in the total income of a PHA that occurs as a result of project-specific characteristics when these characteristics are not shared by the project managed by the RMC.

(g) Other project income. In addition to the operating subsidy calculated in accordance with this part and the amount of income derived from the project (from sources such as rents and charges), the management contract between the PHA and the RMC may specify that income be provided to the project from other legally available sources of PHA income.