Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 25  /  Part 1000  /  Sec. 1000.13 What is a ``nonsignatory Tribe''?

(a) A nonsignatory Tribe is a Tribe that either:

(1) Does not meet the eligibility criteria in Sec. 1000.16 and, by resolution of its governing body, authorizes a Consortium to participate in self-governance on its behalf.

(2) Meets the eligibility criteria in Sec. 1000.16 but chooses to be a member of a Consortium and have a representative of the Consortium sign the compact and AFA on its behalf.

(b) A non-signatory tribe under paragraph (a)(1) of this section:

(1) May not sign the compact and AFA. A representative of the Consortium must sign both documents on behalf of the Tribe.

(2) May only become a ``signatory Tribe'' if it independently meets the eligibility criteria in Sec. 1000.16.
