Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 25  /  Part 1000  /  Sec. 1000.422 How must disputes be handled?

(a) The Department encourages its Bureaus to seek all means of dispute resolution before the Tribe/Consortium files a formal appeal(s).

(b) Disputes shall be addressed through government-to-government discourse. This discourse must be respectful of government-to-government relationships and relevant Federal-Tribal agreements, treaties, judicial decisions, and policies pertaining to Indian Tribes.

(c) Title I-eligible program disputes may use an informal conference as set forth in 25 CFR 900.153-157.

(d) All disputes arising under this rule, including but not limited to Title I-eligible program disputes may use non-binding informal alternative dispute resolution at the option of the Tribe/Consortium, as prescribed in Sec. 402 of this subpart. The Tribe/Consortium may ask for this alternative dispute resolution any time before the issuance of an initial decision of a formal appeal(s). The appeals timetable will be suspended while alternative dispute resolution is pending.