Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 25  /  Part 115  /  Sec. 115.427 What is the BIA's annual review process for a minor's

A BIA social worker with an MSW will conduct an annual review of minors' supervised accounts by:

(a) Verifying that all receipts for disbursements made under a distribution plan were collected in accordance with the terms specified in the evaluation;

(b) Reviewing the receipts for disbursements made from a minor's supervised account to ensure that all expenditures were made in accordance with the distribution plan;

(c) Reviewing all case worker reports and notes;

(d) Reviewing account records to insure that withdrawals and payments were made in accordance with the distribution plan;

(e) Verifying current addresses, including the address of record, the address of the minor's residence, and the disbursement address; and

(f) Deciding whether the distribution plan needs to be modified.